Page 71 of Biker's Baby Girl
“Exactly what you think it is. Ironic isn’t it? You’ve been fighting this shit for years and these dumb fucks thought they could bring it to your door…where are you going?”
“I need eyes on her, need to make sure she’s fucking okay and Law, get the priest.” She was probably gonna have a fit when I told her she was getting hitched in Law’s backyard, after all she’d told me about her dream wedding a million times since I put my ring on her finger. Too fucking bad.
We’ll have to do that shit another time, right now it was more important that I tie her to me completely. The need was almost overwhelming as I headed out the room and across the yard to where I’d seen her disappear with the other women not too long ago
There was only one thing on my mind; getting to her, looking at her, feeling her, reassuring myself that she was here safe with me, not in the clutches of some fucked up pervert.
Chapter 18
She was in Law’s house with his woman and her friends. I released the tortured breath I’d been holding until I got her in my sights. She was fine, still whole and smiling, no lingering sadness. Oh babygirl. I composed myself before stepping into the room.
I figured the one she was sitting next to was the one she’d known from before. They all piped down when I came inside looking guilty as hell and babygirl had a red fucking face. Uh-huh, up to no good no doubt.
I figured I owed her friend at least a thank you for what she’d done, and since my heart was beating normal again at the sight of my woman, I figured now was as good a time as any.
“You the one who gave Law the heads-up?” I stood in front of the amazingly beautiful woman who had a hold of my girl’s hand. “Yes, I’m Illyana, I can’t thank you enough for rescuing her.”
“She’s mine, thanks for looking out. Come here babygirl. If you ladies will excuse us.” I took her just outside the door, not even wondering what all the giggles and whispers behind me were about. “Did you bring a fancy dress with you by any chance?” She looked at me like I’d lost my fucking mind.
“No, I didn’t know I was gonna need one. Are we going somewhere special?” She looked a little crestfallen that she wouldn’t have anything to wear so I could imagine how she was going to feel about what I had to say next.
“No, you’re getting married today.” Her eyes all but popped out of her head and she screamed loud enough to wake the dead before turning to rush back inside in her excitement.
“Jessica.” She stopped and turned back to me, her face bright and happy, just the way I always want her to be. “Get back here.” I had a big stupid grin on my face so she knew I wasn’t mad even though I probably sounded like a grizzly with his paw caught.
“Your man needs some sugar.” She ran and jumped into my arms, peppering my face with kisses before I took her mouth in a deep tongue fuck. There, my world was settled again. I can deal with whatever the fuck comes at me now.
“I take it you’re happy. We’ll see about your fancy wedding another time okay baby; be ready in ten.” I watched her rush back in to the room full of women and heard the screams and whatnot before I made it off the porch. I headed back to the yard to meet the guys who had followed behind me. Probably thought I was gonna pull a fast one.
“Right, where’s the priest?” For some reason that got Law’s right hand men to start grumbling and his brother to breaking into laughter and I remembered Law saying something about holding the priest hostage.
Someone ran off to get him while I cooled my heels and tried not to let my inner feelings show. If one more fuck goes wrong today I’ma shed blood no fucking joke.
I better never tell her that on her wedding day her man was plotting murder in his fucking head instead of looking forward to the exchange of vows.
As far was I was concerned she became my wife when I got her blood on my cock, that’s good enough for me. But from her reaction just now, the whole ceremony thing meant more to her.
At least I knew that for her it was about more than all the hoopla. She was willing to get hitched in Law’s backyard in jeans. That shit, made me feel lighter, even with all of the shit that was going down.
My mind kept going back to her face looking out at me from behind that yellowed plastic. She looked about sixteen there or what I remembered her looking like at that age.