Page 70 of Biker's Baby Girl
The atmosphere changed as soon as the wives were out of sight and I was back to playing the guessing game. “Okay Law, you got me here what gives?” He seemed to be taking an inordinate amount of time studying me for some fucked up reason and that shit was not helping.
“You’re not gonna like what I’m about to say to you so let’s get that shit out of the way now. I know how you are so I’m asking you to keep your cool and let’s come up with a plan, no rash moves brother for fuck sake.”
Yeah, if that little tidbit was supposed to settle me down it had the opposite fucking effect. If it were anyone else I would’ve jacked him up until he started talking, but you can’t rush this fucker, he moves at his own pace.
His boys and mine started twitching and that shit just sent my radar into fucking orbit. I looked towards the house she’d disappeared into with my guts in knots.
“Tell me what the fuck’s going on Law.” I didn’t like the way everyone was looking like they expected me to lose my shit; that could only mean one thing. That whatever the fuck he was about to tell me was fucked.
“Do I need to send her to the bunker over this shit?” The bunker was fucking hours away at my place. I’d had it built years ago after my stint in the army. You learn things when dealing with Uncle Sam, the fuck.
I loosened my stance and waited. If Law was on his shit then it was worse than he’d led me to believe on the phone. And since it involved her, oh well, shit might get fucked up no matter what he said about keeping my cool. I’ll wait ‘til he told me his shit and then we’d see.
“I have to show you something, follow me.” I looked back in the direction she’d gone and went after him with our guys following behind. His set-up was pretty much like mine only difference is there were less women around. I guess that was compliments of the wives. I’ll have to ask him how that shit was working out for him.
We bypassed the play area and the bar and headed back to the meeting room so I knew shit was about to get serious. As soon as we were seated Law threw what looked like a photo album across the table at me.
I looked around the room at his men who for some fucked up reason were lined up against the wall, and Max who was standing like a sentinel behind my chair.
“What the fuck is this a hit?” I grinned to lighten the mood and the feeling of dread that was beginning to grow in my gut. I flipped open the lid of the book and didn’t know what the fuck.
“What’s this?” It looked like a photo album filled with girls, young girls. I started to relax a little, thinking that the shit had to do with my cause, which was rescuing young kids from fucked up situations and the twisted adults that were supposed to care for them, and nothing at all to do with my babygirl, until I saw her face looking back at me.
“What the fuck is this?” There was nothing written there, no explanation. Only her age, height, weight, hair and eye color. I looked at Law for answers because I didn’t like where my mind was going. For someone who’d dealt with and seen some of the shit I’d seen stateside, there weren’t that many reasons for something like this and it wasn’t a school yearbook.
My head was buzzing an alarm. The shit was already hot and I still didn’t have a fucking clue. But I knew whatever this was it wasn’t good. I saw another now familiar face in there, and my gut started to burn.
I pushed my chair back and stood when I got to the back of the fucking book and saw what was written there. “Who the fuck put her in there?” I pointed to it accusingly as I tried to keep ahold of my building rage.
Law motioned to his guys and mine and that’s when I figured out what was going on with them. He was trying to cut me off, good luck with that shit.
Law stood too and came around the table. “My guess is the aunt or her guy, we’re still trying to figure this shit out.” He was watching me like a powder keg about to blow or a snake about to strike, I felt like a little bit of both.
When I thought of what could’ve happened if I hadn’t gotten that call a few nights ago, if I’d left her in their clutches… “What the fuck is this sick shit?” Not her; I broke out in a cold sweat and rage fought with nausea as I thought of the implications in front of me.