Page 62 of Biker's Baby Girl
With that settled I took care of some of the shit on my desk and made a few calls to suppliers. I had a moment of regret over the whole Deidre situation in the middle of all the shit I was doing.
Even though things had ended badly, I couldn’t place all the blame at her door. She’d been a friend once and we’d both been in a pretty dark place after what happened to Ian. I looked out towards my place where my heart was and let that shit go, I can’t go back and change shit.
By the time I came up for air it was noon and my guts was groaning at me, reminding me that I’d missed breakfast and mealtime was staring me in the face. I knew just what I wanted for lunch. My dick did too because he sprung right the fuck up.
I closed down the shit that I’d been working on and started to head out when the phone on my hip rang. I grinned when I saw the name in the screen. Nosy fuck was probably calling to tease my ass about being whipped. “Law my man what’s…?”
“We’ve got trouble.” His words wiped the smile off my face and started my feet moving faster towards the door.
“Tell me.” I looked out the window to where she was just coming out my side door with something in her hand and a happy smile on her face. I knew the only reason he’d be calling me like this is if it was about her.
“You need to get here brother. By the way do you need the priest or whatever the fuck? I think my boys are holding him hostage here or some fuck because he’s always under foot these days.” I thought of the ring I’d put on her hand while fucking her the second time.
“Yes, we’ll be there in a few.” If it was really bad he would’ve told me some of it, but it was bad enough for him to call me in. It was a given that the shit had to do with her fucked up relatives.
I was on the way out to meet her when I heard her voice raised in anger. That shit coming on the back of the call had my pressure rising and I wasn’t in the mood. Maybe that’s why I didn’t stop to ask what the fuck was going on when I came upon the situation outside the clubhouse door, but just reacted.
“What the fuck are you on?” I grabbed Deidre by the scruff of her neck and flung her aside. Babygirl was busy picking up the plate she’d been bringing to me for lunch. When she looked at me with tears in her eyes I wanted to kill.
“Come here baby.” She was my only thought, making her feel better and removing those tears from her eyes. I didn’t even look at Deidre.
I don’t know what the fuck gets into females, but that jealousy shit seems to give them extra strength while at the same time draining every fucking brain cell out their heads.
As she moved towards me, Deidre, a woman I hadn’t seen or spoken to in over two years rushed her. By now most everyone was outside watching this shit unfold in disbelief.
I moved to get in between them again but a whirlwind flew past me, and all I saw were arms and legs flying. I stood in shock for a hot minute before moving. “Get this bitch outta he… Baby quit it.” What the fuck?
I never saw her like this before, she was pissed the fuck off and breathing fire as I dragged her away while Max got the idiot woman up off the floor.
“Inside.” I pointed babygirl to the door behind me trying to get her out of the line of fire just in case it wasn’t over. She gave me a look that said she’d kick my ass too and I figured she was at about the end of her rope; I don’t blame her.
“Baby please go inside so I can deal with this. I do not want you in the middle of this shit, so unless you want me hauled out of here in cuffs do what the fuck I say.”
She gave the now loudly complaining Deidre one last withering look before doing as I said. As mad as I was at this shit, I knew I was partly to blame.
I should never have slept with her, not when she was so vulnerable. It didn’t matter that we were both drunk as fuck that night, I shoulda known better. For that reason I couldn’t do what I would normally do in a situation like this where she’d put her hands on my woman, which is break her fucking neck.
I turned to look at Deidre then and was faced with yet another fire breathing dragon. I do not need this fuckery at this particular moment in my existence.