Page 61 of Biker's Baby Girl
We were both fucked up for the next five minutes as I laid on top of her breathing like it was my last. I had no doubt I was too heavy for her much slighter frame, but she didn’t complain.
Instead she wrapped her arms and legs around me and did that cooing thing she does when she’s been well and truly fucked, which has been every time I’ve taken her.
I pulled out, smacked her ass and dragged her off to the shower where she got her pussy eaten out before I escaped her greedy ass and went to get some shit done across the way.
The place was still standing so I guess the fucks hadn’t been up to too much shit in my absence. There was a shitload of messages on both phones, which I’d have to sift through soon but first things first.
“Max anything I need to know about?”
“Nope, we took care of the Cartel situation just like you said, no muss no fuss. It might take the fire department a few to figure out that the shit was arson. But then again they might not look too hard seeing as how everyone wanted that shit gone. Unless the asshole owner goes after the insurance.”
“Fuck him he knew what they were doing and he let them, that’s the price he pays. Anything else?”
“Yeah, Jason’s been trying to reach you, won’t tell me what the fuck but something’s up.”
Shit, I’d all but forgotten about that shit. “I’ll get back to him soon, what about this place anything happening around here I should know about?”
“Nah not really, just that Deidre’s back.”
“De who?”
“You know, Skins, came back last night, wasn’t sure what you wanted to do about that so figured I’d wait on your say so.”
“What the fuck? Why is she back here now?” As if I didn’t know. “Where’s her sister?” I’d overlooked this shit; it hadn’t even registered on my radar of shit to watch out for.
“They were both here last night ‘til late tying one on you know, the usual.” Fuck, Deidre is a complicated issue. She was the old woman of one of my boys that had got killed by a rival asshole in a bar fight a few years ago.
After his death we were all pretty fucked up and one night one thing led to another and she and I ended up rolling around on her bed trying to outrun our own demons.
In the morning I felt like shit for fucking my boy’s piece even though he was gone, but Deidre was in love or some shit. It wasn’t easy getting her to accept that that shit was a one off and that it was never going to be repeated.
She did everything in her power to change my mind and then when she realized that shit wasn’t gonna work shit got ugly. She’d played the pregnancy card with me then and pissed me the fuck off because I never took a woman without covering my shit up.
When I’d called her on her shit she’d hightailed it out of here. That had been over two years ago and I hadn’t heard or seen her since. Her sister was hooked up with another member and was still here, so I can only surmise that words were spoken about my new living arrangements and that’s why she was back here.
“Keep an eye on her and let me know as soon as she shows her face. Jessie’s home today but she might wander outside or some fuck at some point I don’t want her bothered.”
“You want me to put someone on the house?”
“No Max, I’m six feet away I can keep an eye on my woman thank you, you just keep the rest of these fucks in line while I take care of the inventory and shit that I’ve been neglecting.” The jackass grinned and headed out back to the garage.
I had a full operation here, bike shop, garage and the clubhouse where some of the men slept rough. There were rooms where some perverted shit went on that I wasn’t even gonna think about and then there was the main room with the bar.
My office was more towards the back near the meeting room. I could see my house from there and had eyes and ears in the place already, something no one knew about but me. Like I said, I don’t trust one fuck.
“Yeah Jason what’s up?” I called him first as soon as I reached my desk. “Hey boss, I took care of that little thing everything’s squared away nice and clear. Only hiccup is when the new owners go to take possession, you think of how you want to handle that side of things?”
“Not really I’ve been busy but I’ll come up with something.” I hung up the phone and went into the account he’d told me the money was waiting in. It only took me a few minutes to transfer it to the account I’d opened for her nine years ago.