Page 34 of Not Yet
“You showered without me,” I complain, not that we get to shower together.
We’ve done as our parents asked and have been sneaky, but that is over today. My eyes spring open when I remember what today is. How could I forget? When Drake came into my bedroom last night and got under my covers, he said he was having me one more time in this bed before we left.
“Come on, sleepyhead.” He pulls me from the bed and I wrap myself around him, not letting go as I rest my head on his shoulder.
“I can sleep like this.”
“Trust me. I know you can.” His body shakes with more laughter. “Come on, Ali girl. I want to beat Mom and Dad to our place and I want to show you something.” He gives my ass a small slap and I lean back to look at him. He’s up to something. “Yeah, a surprise.”
“Why didn’t you say that?” I wiggle for him to let me down and he kisses me before letting me go.
I rush around the room and get changed. We’re all packed up and our things are in the truck Dad’s going to drive over today. Our place is within walking distance of campus and only a small drive back to our parents’ home.
We could’ve stayed home but we need our space. We’re over the whole sneaking around thing and we want to be able to walk around naked. I want to have makeout sessions on our own sofa without Mom or Dad catching us.
He opens the car door for me to hop in and steals another kiss before taking off toward our new place. When he gets closer, I look over at him, knowing he’s up to something.
“Don’t be mad,” he says.
“Drake, what did you do?”
“This place has way better security.”
I roll my eyes as he pulls up to a beautiful historical building and it’s even closer than the other place we picked out. It was hard to find housing close to campus and we only had a handful of places to choose from.
“They’re turning the whole place into condos so I grabbed up the top floor.” It’s only four stories tall, so that means there won’t be a lot of people in the building.
“Do we own this building?” He doesn’t look guilty at all when he shrugs.
“Drake!” I smack his shoulder, making him chuckle.
“Real estate is a good investment.”
I get out and look at it and fall in love. The building has its original stones and holds so much history. It reminds me of when Mom took me to meet Drake and David for the first time. I thought back then it was a castle, and this will be our small castle for now. As much as I want to tell him he’s gone overboard, I can’t bring myself to do it. This is perfect.
I take his hand as he leads me inside and I see the elevator has a vintage scissor gate. “I’ve had them keep as many original features as I could. I knew you’d want that.”
“I love you.” I lean into him as the elevator rises.
“I love you too.” When we stop he slides in a key and the gate opens.
“Lindsey and Liam are taking the ground floor,” he says, and I smile.
She’s going to die. I wonder if she knows about this already. Unlike our parents, Lindsay’s dad was a stickler for marriage before living together and the wedding was last week. She told me they’d gotten a place, so no wonder she’s been so quiet about it.
“Go look at our home, baby.” He kisses my neck before nudging me to go inside.
I step in and look around at the beautiful space. I can’t believe this is going to be our home together.
When I turn to look at Drake he’s down on one knee. “I know Mom said we can’t get married yet, but I still want everyone to know that day is coming. Tell me you’re going to marry me and this place is another chapter of our lives together,” he says as he pushes the ring on my finger.
“One of many chapters,” I whisper, fighting tears of joy and nodding happily.
I start to fall to my knees, but Drake’s faster as he scoops me up into his arms and carries me through our new home. My back hits a bed and I get lost in my soon-to-be husband—my everything.
Three years later…
“Is it weird we only have one section for family to sit in?” Ali asks me. I smirk. She slaps me on the arm with her bouquet and then checks it for damage. “Shoot, look what you made me do.”
“Calm down, Ali girl,” I say, tugging her into me. I rub my hands down her bare back and she looks up into my eyes. “We invited the people we love and people who love us. Nothing else matters.”