Page 33 of Not Yet
I immediately gather coffee cups and set them on the table.
“So, last night?” Mom asks, and I steal myself for the blowback. “Did you have fun? How was the steak house? David and I keep talking about going there and we wondered if it was worth a try.”
I’m momentarily shocked that no one is mentioning the elephant in the room. She’s firing off all the wrong questions but I’m like a deer caught in headlights.
“They put truffle oil on everything so Ali was in heaven.” My cheeks heat at Drake’s easy response. That was heaven but Drake is the reason I feel like I’m in the clouds.
“I think I remember you calling ahead and making sure they had certain things,” Mom teases him, pointing the spatula in his direction.
“You did that?” I turn to look at him and he gives me one of those shrugs.
“He’s always doing stuff like that. He just hides it.” Mom smiles sweetly like she’s so proud of him. “I guess we aren’t hiding stuff anymore.” My mouth falls open. “Close your mouth, honey.”
“We’re not in trouble?” I finally manage to say.
“No, you’re not in trouble,” Dad says first. “We knew this was coming. When Drake told me you two were going to the dance together I knew you were finally putting things together yourself.” He rises and stands next to Mom.
“I love her.” Drake’s voice is clear for everyone to hear.
“I love him too,” I say.
“Of course you love each other.” Mom’s eyes are sympathetic.
“It’s different now,” Drake adds, but he didn’t need to. It’s clear in his voice.
“I know.” Mom shakes her head at us.
It’s the same thing she does when she already knows what we’re getting at. It’s like she’s known it longer than we have and she might have, to be honest. Mom’s always two steps ahead.
“I have two rules.” She holds up her fingers. “The first is you have got to be more sneaky. I can’t allow you to shack up under our roof.”
Drake silently laughs beside me, but I’m too engrossed in what our parents are saying.
“I’ll take your somewhat silence as an agreement.” She shoots Drake a playful smirk as he nods. “Second, no marriage until after you’re twenty-one. And no marriage means no babies.”
I nod because this is going way better than I thought it would.
“Yet. No babies yet,” she clears up.
My face turns five shades of red because I really don’t want to talk about that now. We should ease into this. I’m not ready for sex jokes or babies.
“That was three things, Mom.”
“Drake.” I elbow him hard into the side. “Really not the time,” I whisper.
“I’ve got news,” Dad says, and Mom puts her spatula down.
“Food on the table. We’ll talk about it over breakfast.” I can tell from the small hop Mom does that it’s exciting news.
I don’t know how we’re changing subjects so quickly but it’s all right by me. I guess our parents are like Lindsey and saw this coming. Drake kisses me on the forehead before he grabs stuff and takes it to the table.
Mom walks over and hands me a folded-up paper as I sit down. Drake is already putting food onto my plate.
“What is it?” I ask.
“It’s your full ride, sweetheart. You got in.” My eyes start to water when I see the Boston College logo on the page. I did it, and I smile so big it hurts.
“You did it!” I look over to Drake. “I think we’ll like it there. I’ve toured the place already.” Drake says.
“You’re going to Boston?” I knew he mentioned it, but we haven’t heard anything concrete. I would’ve because everyone’s been wondering where he was going to go.
“Where you go, I go,” he tells me, and I kiss him. I shouldn’t because my parents are right here beside us, but I’m so happy I can’t stop myself.
“All right, you two,” Mom cuts in and I pull back from the kiss. “Remember the rules,” she adds as she and Dad take their seats.
They’re smiling as big as I am and everyone is happy about this. I should’ve known it would be this way. They’ve always wanted what’s best for us and I have no doubt Drake is what’s best for me. He’s my forever and everyone can see it. At least the people at this table can and they’re all that matter. They’re my family, for now at least, because one day it will grow.
Just not yet.
Epilogue Ali
Six months later…
“Baby.” I feel Drake’s short beard brush against my neck.
I don’t want to open my eyes yet and I sigh. I love when he doesn’t shave and has a little bit of stubble on him. I tilt my head, letting him take a few more nibbles of me.
“Time to get up.” I shake my head no because I don’t want to move. Drake slipped into my bed in the middle of the night and kept me up for hours. He smells fresh and clean and I want to pull him down in the bed with me.