Page 12 of Wear Something Red Anthology
She beamed. “It’s so much nicer when you simply do what I ask.”
I slanted my head. “You sure you’re not a closet Domme?”
A surprised chuckle burst out of her. “Oh, I’m sure. But I’ll concede that I can be a bossy bitch. I kind of enjoy it.”
“No wonder no man’s ever been able to make you submit.” I twisted my mouth. “Maybetwomen could do the job. Like Trace and Kaleb, for instance. Inaya was right, you know. They do look at—”
“We arenothaving this conversation.”
“Well that’s a shame.”
“Eat some breakfast like a good girl,” she said, heading off to the bedroom. “You’re going to need the vitamins, because something tells me that Cole’s going to give you aserioussexual workout later.”
Yeah,ifhe turned up.
Chapter Three
As the bartender set another glass of wine in front of me, I shifted on my stool. “I should just go.”
On the stool beside mine, Cat frowned. “What? Why?”
“Cole’s obviously not coming.”
“Relax. He’ll be here.” She sipped at her cocktail. “I agree with Briar, you hooked him with that kiss last night.”
I merely snorted, doubtful.
“Ye of so little faith. He’ll come, you’ll see.”
“I’m not waiting around all night.”
She looked close to rolling her eyes. “You’ve been herefifteen minutes.Have some patience. It’s not as if he’s late.”
I lifted my glass with a huff. The lounge was as busy as it usually was on Saturday evenings, but not rowdy. No matter how blitzed members got, no fights ever broke out, no arguments ever ensued, and no riotous laughs ever rang throughout the space. People were calm. Composed. Respectful of the rules.
Part of that was undoubtedly because no one wanted to tangle with the owner of the club, Blake Mercier. Like Danton, he was somewhat ruthless and didn’t only involve himself in purely legal dealings. If there was ever any trouble in his club, Blake didn’t call the police. He had his own way of handling things, and you could guarantee that there would be someviolence involved. That didn’t stop people from signing up to be members.
I took a sip of my wine and then idly swept my gaze around the lounge. Briar had been right about one thing—if any people here knew about the article, they didn’t find anything amusing about it. People didn’t stare at me. There were no snickers or whispers or funny looks.
And there was still no Cole.
“I shouldn’t have come. I knew better than to think he’d turn up.”
“He’ll show, I’m sure of it,” Cat firmly stated before knocking back the last of her cocktail. “I know it will sting you hard if he doesn’t—”
“Whoa, it won’t sting. It’ll just annoy me, because it’ll mean I got all dolled up for nothing.”
She snorted. “I’m not buying that bunch of bullshit. You’re not all frowny and edgy because you’re sure he won’t show. You feel like this because it bothers you just how much youwantthis guy to show.”
“Couldn’t you have pretended you didn’t sense that? I would have felt more comfortable that way.”
“I’m just, you know, keeping it real,” she said, her eyes lit with amusement. “I like that you’re into this dude.”
I took a swig of my drink. “Speaking of dudes, here’s yours.” I tipped my chin toward Danton, who’d just stepped out of the elevator.
His gaze locked on Cat pretty much instantly. He was seriously gorgeous. The kind of bloke who could rock a suit with a dignified elegance … but you just knew he could also pound a fucker into the ground like a savage—and without even ruffling his shirt.
He crossed straight to Cat, sparing no other women a glance. I had no idea why she was so sure he had no real interestin her. There was no wayhe felt anything less than exceedingly territorial where she was concerned—anyone could see that. “You did what I asked,” he said to her. “Good.”