Page 11 of Wear Something Red Anthology
“Look, I’m not going to pressure you to make any changes to your life. I won’t be disappointed in you if you don’t. I’ll always support you and your decisions. But while you’re on your current break, have a real good think about what it is you truly want. Then go get it.”
I felt my mouth curve. She said it so simply. Like it was an inevitability that I’d achieve whatever I set out to achieve. “Love you, Mum. You’re the best.”
“Don’t get gooey on me, I’m not good with gooey.”
I chuckled. “I know. That’s why I subject you to it.”
“Brat. It’s a real good thing I love you.”
We talked for a few more minutes before hanging up. I brushed my teeth and then tracked down Briar, who sat at the breakfast bar with a mug in front of her.
Her nose wrinkled as her eyes slid to the cup of tea waiting for me there. “It’ll be cold by now, sorry. You were gone a while. How did the phone calls go?”
I slipped onto a stool. “My agent advised me not to mention the article in any social media posts or to talk to any journalists who might contact me. Crediting the article with any attention would be giving it weight it doesn’t deserve.”
Briar gave a sharp nod. “My thoughts exactly.”
“The conversation with my mum went pretty much how I expected it to go—she talked of doing grievous bodily harm to Ryland, skipped over the mention of kinks because she quite simply isn’t bothered, and didn’t promise not to make sure my dad and brothers don’t do anything stupid to Ryland.”
“Who said it would be stupid?”
Oh hi, Jaxxon number two.“She also surprised me by suggesting that I stop pursuing sports photography so hard and concentrate on other areas.”
Briar cocked her head, curious. “Is that something you’d want to do?”
“It’s something I’ve already been thinking of doing, but it’s not a decision I plan to make while I’m fuming over what Ryland did. It could color my choice. I don’t want to be so pissed off, it gives him power, but I can’t help it. And I’m going to worry that my dad and brothers retaliate in a way that has them standing in front of a jury.”
“If I was in your situation, both my dads would lose their minds.” Briar rested her arms on the bar. “Even my mom would go ape shit. We might not have a bond, but she’s protective.”
“How she looks out for you can be a little messed up, though. Like flirting with your boyfriends to see if they take the bait.” If they did, Alondra would then proclaim they weren’t good enough for Briar. It was dysfunctional, not protective.
Briar sighed. “Few men refuse her.” A pause. “Trace did, though.”
I sat up straighter. “As in Trace Lacroix from the Vault?”
She nodded, her eyes dancing. “They both starred in the same movie once. Rumor has it that she flirted outrageously with him the whole time but that he diplomatically batted away her advances.”
“Isn’t he, like, a decade younger than her?”
“Age gaps have never stopped her before.” Briar removed her arms from the bar. “Anyway, let’s get some breakfast down you. Then we can go raid your closet and choose what you’re wearing tonight.”
“Why use the ‘we’ word when you fully intend to take the matter into your own hands? We’ve done this dance before.” It always went the same way. “You’ll pick out not only my outfit and shoes but my underwear and every single accessory. You try to do it for Cat and probably countless others as well. Like we’re all dolls for you to dress.”
“I don’t poke fun at your pastimes.”
“But youdopoke my ribs or forehead when I argue with your suggestions.”
“So don’t argue.”
“Or maybe you could just not jab at me with your finger.”
She huffed, edging off her stool. “You know, most people would be grateful to have a clothes designer advise them on what to wear. Yes, I specialize in costume design, but that means being aware and mindful of all kinds of fashion—as such, my input is precious.”
“It’s not advice if you insist that people let you decide for them. For a fairly easygoing person, you’re pushy when it comes to this stuff. Though you don’t bully Inaya about it.”
“That girl is very fashion forward—she creates her own trends. I only ever make gentle suggestions because I know self-expression is important to her—no shocker when you take her childhood into account. Now stop trying to distract me and let this happen.”
I let out a resigned sigh. “You know where my bedroom is. Go choose what you want and put it on the bed.”