Page 106 of Wear Something Red Anthology
I gaped. Standing upright, I turned to face him. “Hang on, you expect me not to react at all when you ask me to marry you?”
“Who said anything about asking?”
“Proposals are offers, not dictates.” I wasn’t sure that he actually understood that.
“If I ask and you’re allowed to speak, you could say no.”
“I’ve already told you I’ll say yes.”
“Then you don’t need to say it again, do you? Which means I don’t need to ask.”
I shook my head. He was unbelievable.
He picked me up and carried me into the bathroom, where he propped me on the vanity.
“I amnotstaying in doll mode when you propose,” I told him as he gently swiped a small cloth between my legs to clean me up.
“Think of it as a challenge. A challenge that will come with a reward.”
I felt my brows lift in interest. “What kind of reward?”
He let out a pensive hum. “Well, you’re forever pestering me to let you choose what room we use at the basement. How about I let you book one for a change?”
A grin shaped my mouth. “Oh, yeah, that works.” Because then I could book what Izzy and Briar called ‘the revenge room.’ It was in fact the lap dancing room.
He and I had never used it because Danton liked to run every element of the show. He wouldloathebeing the one who had to keep their hands to themselves. Ha.
His eyes narrowed slightly. “I don’t like the look on your face right now. It’s almost evil.”
I chuckled and curved my arms around his neck. “Relax. You’ll like what I have in mind.”
“You’re lying.”
“Yup. But think of it as a challenge.”
He squeezed my hip. “Tell me what you’re planning.”
“Only if you tell me when you’re going to propose.” I wasn’t the least bit surprised when he clamped his lips shut. “Then we’ll both keep our secret for now.”
“Iwillfind out what you’re plotting.”
Not until it was too late for him to do anything about it. Oh, he would freak.
“You’re wearing that evil smirk again. I don’t like it.”
“Then you’d better kiss it right off my face, hadn’t you?”
His lips canted up. “Hmm, good idea.”
Shatter For Us
One has a face the world sighs over. The other has a voice that makes toes everywhere curl. Briar Leighton can admit she's wildly drawn to both the elegant Trace Lacroix and the rough-around-the-edges Kaleb Westley.
Rational thought vacates the building when they offer her a night of unparalleled pleasure. Together, they deliver it. There's just one measly issue ...
Now she wants more, but the guys are anti-arrangement and rarely play with the same woman twice in a row.
It's fine. Totally. She'll just turn her attention to the other fish in the basement's sea. Except ... Trace and Kaleb don't seem to like that. And now they're all up in her space, boldly possessive.