Page 105 of Wear Something Red Anthology
He draped his front over my back and grazed the back of my shoulder with his teeth. “You want to, Cat. You know you do.”
I did, yes, but there were things to consider.
“You keep harping on about how we haven’t been together long; how it’s best to take shit slow.”
Excuse me, I wasn’t ‘harping on.’ I’d made very good points.
He swiveled his hips just right, reared back, and then buried himself inside me once more. “Over eight months ago, I fucked you in the Vault for the first time. You’ve been mine since that night. There was nothing fast about how we moved at first. It might not have felt like we were building anything, but we were. Mostly trust—that ain’t easy for people like you and me, who don’t trust easy.”
Looking back, I could see that he was right. We had been building the foundations for something bigger. I just hadn’t consciously acknowledged it until now.
Another delightful swivel of his hips. Another deep thrust. “Neither of us do well with attachments either; we bothgrew up feeling like they were weaknesses. My experiences made me feel that way. Your father put it in your head by using any love you felt for others against you. That acted as a barrier for us.”
It had. I’d fought the feelings that crept up on me … until there’d come a point where I couldn’t anymore. And I hadn’t only walked away because I’d thought that he cared nothing for me; I’d done it because my natural reflex to forming attachments was to fear that they’d be used to hurt me.
“My point? Weneededslow back then. We even needed that break we had to push past what doubts we had left so we could clearly see what we truly wanted. It had to happen that way, and it did.” He bit my shoulder hard, and I almost hissed. “But we don’t need to move slowly anymore, and I’m done with it. I want you living with me. What we have is nothing close to temporary. You’re it for me, I’m it for you.”
I swallowed, a slight ache in my throat. He’d said it all so matter-of-factly, but not coldly. Just with the sheer confidence of a man who was absolutely certain that he’d keep the woman he’d claimed.
“So, this weekend, you’re moving in.” He straightened and smoothly pulled back his hips. “And later on, when you’re more sure of us, you’re gonna marry me.”
Everything in me went still.
He sank inside me again. “Because you love me, just as I love you. And I won’t rest until you’re completely fucking tied to me.”
Oh fuck, I might cry.
“You want a small wedding, we’ll do that. You want a big production that’s gonna take a whole goddamn year to plan, fine, go all out.” He flexed his hips, sending his cock even deeper. “For now, we’ll live in sin, I don’t mind that.”
I gasped as a hand wrenched at my hair, snatching up my head.
“Say it,” he bit out, his breath fanning my cheek. “I want to hear the words.”
I swiped my tongue over my dry lower lip. If he punished me for speaking I was gonnareamhis ass. “I love you.”
He hummed. “And what are you going to do about it?”
“I’m going to move in.”
He let out a low growl. “Yeah, you fucking are.” He shifted his angle slightly and started roughly snapping his hips back and forth, hammering into me; hitting thisamazingspot inside me. “Come, Cat.”
The snarled words triggered my release, and I freaking soared as it took me. He pounded harder and harder as I screamed, my pussy clamping tight around his cock. I heard him curse, felt his fingers dig harder into the globes of my ass as he rammed deep; felt the pulsing of his cock and the hot splash of his come as he exploded.
His body curled over mine as our orgasms began to subside. We stayed there like that, panting and trembling.
Minutes later, he nuzzled the crook of my neck. “Love you, baby. More than anything.”
A lazy smile pulled at my lips. “Your words, my mouth.”
“No taking back what you said before. You’re moving in with me. And you’re gonna be wearing my ring on your finger pretty soon after that.”
“Will you get down on one knee?”
“No. I’m gonna propose while my cock’s deep inside you.”
My smile widened. “You’ll get a yes, just so you know.”
“No, I won’t,” he said, pulling out of me. “Because you won’t be allowed to talk or move.”