Page 69 of Hard for You
He held his hand up to stop her. “No, I don’t think this is going to win you. I hope it is. I want it to, but I don’t think it is going to make me win.” He shrugged. “You can’t blame a guy for trying though, can you?” he asked.
Amelia couldn’t blame the guy for trying because he was doing such a good job of it. Wolfe was there, like all the time. He even started to bring some of his clothes over to her apartment. What had started with him cooking her dinner had in some way turned into him living with her.
What was even odder, she didn’t kick his ass out, which made no sense to her.
She started backto work at the bar, and that was … weird.
Thepack was being nice to her. Like, sayingthank you, andplease, and stepping out of her way. She didn’t have to dodge any wayward elbows, and that was nice. Even more than nice.
Amelia had completely healed. Her body and leg were fine. Nofurther damage, and she knew that was because of Wolfe. He had re-broken her leg, but he’d done so in a way that would guarantee her wolf being able to heal her.
As for the MC, they continued to hang out with her at the bar. As per their request, they had even asked ifshe would be willing to stop by with Buster and Rascal. It would seem her dogs had made an impression.
Amelia agreed.
It was … nice to not be looked upon with a sneer or even hated.
Wolfe was making it hard for her to hate him.
By the end of the firstmonth of them pretty much living together, the bar was packed. It was busier than usual, and Val was helping out. Ever since she’d gotten back to work, he’d been there to keep an eye on her. She appreciated it.
She had just stepped into back into the barafter taking out the trash. Closing the door, she frowned as there seemed to be nothing but quiet.
Complete and total silence.
This was … strange.
Stepping out of the storage room, which led out the back toward the trash bins, shewalked into the main bar and came to a stop.
The pack all stood, but they had made an aisle.
Above the door, it read the words,Mate me.
Amelia saw Wolfe. He stood with the MC. Val was there.
Wolfe stepped forward.
Her heart raced.
“Amelia,” he said.
“I love you. Before the pack and the club, I want you to know that I love you. I’m an asshole. A complete and total asshole. I called you a liar, and I thought you were weak, and I did so easily because the truth was … I’m addicted to you, and that scared me. I’ve never been afraid of anything in my whole life. Not a damn thing, but when it comes to you, it would seem that I get scared a hell of a lot easier than I thought possible.” He ran a hand over his face.
He’d let his hair down, which was rare, butshe loved it when he did.
“I don’t expect you to want me,” Wolfe said. “Amelia, you are not a liar. You are one of the strongest people around. Boyan saw that. He saw that you were strong because none of us would have been able to put up with the crap you did just because you’re who you are. You’re a strong woman, Amelia. You’re fierce, loyal, and you stand up for what you believe in, and I am hoping one day that person will be me.”
She couldn’t believe he was doing this.
None of the Poison Wolves MC ever poured outtheir heart and soul. Never, but yet, Wolfe was doing it now. Her heart raced and she stared at him, a little amazed.
“I love you. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I don’t want to ever leave you.I know this is way too much to ask, but I will not give up. You said you loved me once, and I’m going to do everything in my power to prove to you that I will never fuck up like this again.”