Page 54 of Hard for You
He kicked out, sending Draco back as he got to his feet.
Once he was steady, he faced him.“What the fuck is this?” Wolfe asked.
Draco didn’t answer.
Tables were destroyed, aswas half of the bar, before Alpha came in and stepped between them.
Wolfe was bleeding from his nose, and his shoulder was dislocated. His eye was swollen, but it wouldn’t take long for him to heal back.
Draco just kept on glaring at him.
The bar looked a mess. The brothers stood back, watching.
“What is the fucking meaning of this?” Alpha asked.
“Ask Draco!” Wolfe spat blood on the floor. He was more than ready to go two, three, or fucking fifty rounds.
Alpha turned his head to Draco.
The brother had been unstable for many years. He’d go through his brooding phases, and then come out fighting. Wolfe had never seen him like this. Staring at Draco, the brother looked… betrayed.
“You have no right!” Draco yelled.
Wolfe froze.
“Do you have any idea what it’s like? To spend hours alone? To wish she was back right here with me? To have known that kind of love and to know I’m not going to get it again? My chance is gone. Died at the hands of fucking humans!” Draco growled.
“But you, you have a chance. I saw the way you were with Amelia. How excited you were to go and see her.” He shook his head. “And you think she lied. You think she did all of this, for what? For what means? For you? For a man who was too fucking embarrassed to hold her freaking hand! You have a chance to be happy, and you consider her too weak for you. You should be ashamed of yourself. Me, I’d give anything to have mine back. Anything, but instead, I’ve got to sit around watching you drink whiskey as if it is such a big fucking deal to have a woman who is not as strong as you.”
“Amelia is strong,” Val said.
Wolfe had been so focused on Draco, he hadn’t even heard Val come into the clubhouse. He stood by the doorway with Buster and Rascal at his feet. The dogs were sniffing like crazy.
“What?” Wolfe asked.
“I know for a fact that Amelia is not weak. She is strong, probably one of the strongest women in the pack. She can defend herself if the need calls for it. She knows what to do. The difference between her and the others is she doesn’t see a reason to do it.” Val sighed. “She’s not here then?”
“Who isn’t here?” Wolfe asked.
“Why would Amelia be here?”
“She called me yesterday. Asked me tolook after her dogs. She would have left them alone, but from what I can tell, she’s been getting harassed by the pack, and we all know what the pack thinks of her dogs.” Val clicked his tongue. “She hasn’t returned home. I think … I think she’s gone into the forest.”
“To clear her name?” Draco asked.
“No. I don’t think she cares about that.” Val looked down at the dogs. “I think she’s gone into the forest to findwhat bit Buster.”
“Rascal bit him,” Wolfe said.
Val snorted. “Seriously?”
“Yeah, Rascal looked rather sheepish—”
He stopped as Val crouched down and asked Rascal to smile. As the dog showed off his teeth, Wolfe realized that dog couldn’t have bit Buster.
“As you can see, Rascal can’t bite Buster. Whatever bit him is still out there.” Val turned toward him. “And seeing as you think Amelia is a liar, that would mean the only one to bite Buster would have been her, right?”