Page 53 of Hard for You
“You put spit in it?” he asked.
“Nope. Hopefully something that will help you to wake up and get your head out of your ass.”
“Fuck you,” Wolfe said, picking the coffee up and taking a sip. It was good.
“So, come on,” Rocco said. “What is the big deal, anyway?”
“Wolfe doesn’t like anyone weak. I imagine Amelia was a good fuck, and I bet she was the virgin he wanted to know all those questions about.”
He gritted his teeth. Talking to his club brothers about that had been a big, fat, fucking mistake. One he didn’t intend to make again, or ever.
“Amelia was a virgin?” Rocco asked.
“Yeah, you can tell from the tic right next to his eye. He’s thinking about killing me right now. Probably is turned on by it as well. He wants to see me completely dead, so fucking dead.” Draco chuckled.
“What happened to you being all silent?” Wolfe asked.
“Let me ask you something, Wolfe. If your girl is such a fucking liar, why did you believe she was a virgin?” Draco asked.
“Because she was.”
“She could have been faking it.”
“Amelia wasn’t faking it.”
Draco tutted. “She’ll lie about seeing a figure in the forest but not about being a virgin. Come on, pull the other one. Wolves cannot remain celibate for long. We’re notwired that way. Amelia had to have been screwing someone else.”
“Stop it.”
Wolfe felt his animal rising up. The need to protect and to own overwhelmed him.
“I wonder who it was she screwed first. I bet she was having all kinds of laughs at his expense. My money is on Val. She’s close to Val. Imagine that, Wolfe. Another man’s hands all over her body, touching her, filling her up.”
Wolfe lost it. He grabbed Draco by the lapel of his leather cut and threw him across the room.
“I said enough!”
Wolfe didn’t even know who he was. The growl that left him didn’t sound like him.
Draco had hit the wall, and from the impact, it had dentedit. Draco laughed. He fucking laughed as if it was nothing more than a big joke, and that pissed him off even more.
This wasn’t a game. He wasn’t playing around.
Draco stood up. “What’s the matter, Wolfe? Is it too much for you to imagine that she is with someone else right now? Trying to lie her way into their pants, or is that what you’ve got to tell yourself to stay away?”
Wolfe glared at him. “I don’t know why you’re fucking doingthis, Draco, but enough already.”
“Enough? You think this is enough.” Draco took a step toward him. “You believe Amelia is weak. Too weak for someone like you to have her. How can someone be that weak and lie like that, huh? Did she have an accomplice? Come on, Draco.”
“What is your fucking problem?” Wolfe asked.
Draco had been avoiding him for the past couple of days. The brother wouldn’t even look at him.
All of a sudden, Wolfewas on the floor as Draco had landed a single blow to his face, and then he picked him up, throwing him across the room.
Draco had been fast. No hesitation. Anger rushed through him.
This time, as Draco ran toward him, Wolfe was ready.