Page 48 of Hard for You
Wolfe didn’t get it. They had to see the logic of what he was saying.
Alpha slammed his hand on the table. “Boyan and Enzo, stay behind, I want a word.”
Wolfe got to his feet and left the room. He hoped Alpha made them see fucking sense. Hewent straight to the bar where Trixie, one of the club groupies, was wiping out a glass.
“Hey, sexy, Ihaven’t seen you around.”
“Get me a whiskey. Actually, get me the bottle.”
“No one should be drinking alone,” Trixie said, putting the bottle on the counter.
He snatched the bottle from her and moved away from the bar.
Wolfe couldn’t stand other women touching him. Not for the past few days. He’d noticed it in between shifts with Amelia.
Women touching him had never bothered him. They got close, tried to tempt and tease him away, wanting a chance with a patched-in brother, but he wasn’t interested.
The past few days, however, his skin had started to crawl at the prospect of anyone but Amelia touching him. This wasn’t something he was used to feeling.
After stepping out of the clubhouse, he made his way toward the forest edge and sat down, allowing the ground to surround him. The scents of the earth filled his senses, calming the rage that was going on in his heart.
He had fucked up with Amelia. Last night, he’d slept outside of her building. Just to be sure that he wasright.
Tipping the whiskey bottle against his lips, he swallowed, taking giant gulps of the darkliquid and knowing he wasn’t going to be able to get drunk. Maybe feel a little tipsy, but not get drunk.
“You do surprise me,” Alpha said, coming out minutes later to join him.
“About what?”
“I thought you wereTeam Amelia,” Alpha said.
“We know there’s nothing out there.”
“Amelia has never lied.”
“That we know of.” Wolfe drank some more of his whiskey, knowing it wasn’t going to help.
There was this burning within his chest. He felt like he was on fire. The pain of knowing what he’d just done. The pack was going to know what they’d done to Amelia. Backing off, rumors would run rife, and there was no way to stop that. That was why Wolfe wanted her to come clean to him.
“Has something gone on between the two of you?” Alpha asked.
Wolfe didn’t lie. “We’ve fucked a few times, but that is it. There’s nothing else between us.”
“Are you sure about that?” Alpha asked.
“Totally sure.” He finished off the bottle in a few gulps, and he didn’t even get the fucking burn he was after.Wolfe stared at the bottle and then threw it across the main lot, right into the trash can.
“There’sno way I’m wrong.” Wolfe laughed. “Did you hear Boyan? Amelia is not weak? She’s the bottom of the food chain.”
Alpha tsked.
Wolfe lookedat him. “What?”
“She’s not necessarily bottom of the food chain,” Alpha said. “She has her … ideals. That doesn’t make her weak, and I can see what Boyan is saying. In a way, Amelia has many strengths.”
“Doesn’t it piss you off?”Wolfe asked.
“Does what piss me off?”