Page 47 of Hard for You
He had tried to follow her, but she kept on ignoring him. Rascal hadn’t been much help either, constantly growling at him. This just pissed him off.
He couldn’t allow the pack to keep on looking for what wasn’t there. Amelia hadn’t admitted to lying, but there was nothing for them to search, he was sure of it.
“It makes sense,” Wolfe said.
“No, it doesn’t,” Enzo said.
“No one gets past us,” he said. “No one. We don’t allow that kind of shit to happen. Not on our watch.” He ran a hand down his face. “But whoever this person was, only Amelia saw him.”
“And you think that is grounds to believe shelied.”
“She is different, Alpha. You know that. The pack have all but ousted her.” Wolfe shrugged. “I don’t want us wasting our resources on this.”
“What do you think, Boyan? Gunnar?” Alpha asked. “Draco?”
“What Wolfe says makes sense,” Gunnar said. “Youhave to admit we’ve got to doubt what she saw at this point. It has been a week, and it’s not like any of us are running low on mad skills. No one gets past us this long. No one.”
“I … don’t know. He makes a compelling case, but … Amelia’s not aliar.”
“I don’t believe she is lying,” Boyan said.
All eyes turned to Boyan, who was looking at him.
“Come on, you can’t be serious.”
“Amelia is a giant pain in the ass, but think about everything she has actually done. Thedeer thing pissed off the pack enough to send her to the fucking edge of the forest. So, we haven’t been able to find who she saw, but that doesn’t mean he, she, or it, doesn’t exist. If Amelia said she saw something, I believe her.” Boyan shrugged.
“Come on, man,” Gunnar said. “Let’s face it, she’s weak—”
Boyan held his hand up tostop Gunnar from talking.
“No, that woman is not weak.”
This surprised Wolfe. He’d never seen Boyan defend anyone, and he was doing this for Amelia.
The club brothers started to laugh.
“A little infatuated, Boyan?” Enzo asked.
Wolfe didn’t like that. He stared at Boyan, who glared around the table. He shoved back his chair and slammed his palm flat on the table, silencing any laughter.
“You think this is infatuation? You think I’m defending her because I want to fuck her?” Boyan laughed. “Then have a good laugh, but do not mock me or my assessment of that woman.”
He pointed toward the door. “I’d like to see half the fucking pack put up with the shit she has put up with. The constant ostracizing, just because she is different. How many of the pack would handle being dumped in a home on the freaking border, huh? Or how about not even being able to hold a job because no one wants her around? Amelia is not weak. Not even close to weak. You can all believe what you want to about her. It’s all fucking wrong!”
Boyan sat down, and Wolfe looked toward Alpha.
“I have my doubts,” Alpha said. “Not about Amelia. I know she isn’t the kind of person to do this for attention, but …maybe she didn’t quite see what she saw.”
Boyanshook his head.
“It could have been one of the boys playing a prank,” Alpha said. “Itcould have been anything. I say we back off. We stop hunting and we see what happens over the next couple of days.”
Alpha leaned forward, putting his elbows on the table and looking at the group. “All in favor?” Alpha asked.
All but Enzo and Boyan put their hand up.