Page 8 of Blackmailed By My Dad's Boss (Blackmail Fantasies 2)
She nods, which I take as a good sign. Maybe she’s just nodding because she doesn’t know what else to do, but I’d like to think she might want to see me again under different circumstances.
I start to leave, but then remember I should probably assuage some of her fears.
“By the way, don’t worry – I’m not going to report you to the police for breaking and entering. I mean, as long as you agree to my terms. Be a good girl, and I’ll be in touch.” I leave her with that and head out. The gears are turning in my head. I know exactly what I’m going to do with that girl, and I’m pretty sure she’ll be ready and willing to sign on for what I have in mind.
It’s nothing too crazy, just a bit of fun for the both of us.
I shake my head. It really is just too perfect. Who would have thought that the pieces would have fallen so into place?
Before leaving the building, I go back to my office and grab the file I came all this way for. I guess I have this little annoyance to thank for the great end to my evening. I came into the office feeling irritated, but I’m leaving with the biggest smile on my face.
My day started off with me dreading the upcoming meeting tomorrow (well, technically, later on today). I also had some other bad news come across my desk. And then it ended with me messing up by forgetting the file.
But now, the entire day has fully turned around.
As I climb into my car and drive back to my apartment, I run through everything that just happened in my mind. I almost lost my composure back there, considering the scene I’d walked in on. Thankfully, little Brick had stayed in my pants. The fit of my slacks might have felt a little uncomfortable, but I’d managed to keep my cool the entire time. If I want this plan of mine to work out, then I’m going to need to tread carefully. There are a lot of factors I have to consider, but I like a challenge.
Tammy is about to be the most fun I’ve had in a long time. The film business keeps me busy and happy, but after a while, certain things start to become monotonous. This is the change in my routine I’ve been looking for.
Oh, how things are suddenly looking up.
I woke up this morning still wired from last night. Getting to sleep had been a task. Watching Tammy masturbate in the studio had gotten me all revved up, and I’d had to wind myself down, which had taken a little bit of time.
Now, I’m at work and about to head into the meeting I was all stressed over. Even with thoughts of Tammy running through my head, I was able to go through the paperwork in preparation for today. As the CEO, I have to arrive prepared or else the whole operation falls apart. I don’t have a lot invested in this particular meeting, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to half-ass it either.
“How did prepping go last night?” Robert, my best friend and CFO, asks, coming up behind me and giving me a hearty pat on the back. He looks rather smug right now, like he expects to be proven right.
“It went really well. Extremely well. Even better than you could ever imagine. I’m ready to hear the pitch today.”
“Great,” he says deliberately. “I’ll see you in there, then.” Robert gives me a smile before he leaves for his office. I’m guessing he thought I’d complain about something because that’s what I usually do before a meeting like this. Pitch meetings annoy me. I prefer to read coverage or the entire script myself, but sometimes we fund a project from the ground up, which requires seeing a treatment and the potential creators we’d be working with. It requires a lot of prep and usually ends with me rejecting the proposal.
Every once in a while, a good idea is pitched, but more often than not, a couple of hacks waltz in thinking they’ve got the next great American film. Those types can be insufferable. I like confidence, but there needs to be good work to back it up.
But I’m going into this meeting with a happy face because nothing can bring me down. Not with Tammy on my mind. Even if the two guys presenting end up being some of the worst creators we’ve ever had to deal with, I’m not going to have a shitty day.
The meeting starts in about ten minutes, so I grab what I need and head to the conference room. Everyone except for the people pitching are already set up at the table. Because I am the CEO, everyone beneath me wants to be at the meeting before I get there. I guess they are trying to make a good impression, though I don’t really care. As long as they arrive at the specified time, I’m satisfied.