Page 7 of Blackmailed By My Dad's Boss (Blackmail Fantasies 2)
She starts looking around the floor as if searching for something. Her gaze focuses on the floor behind me; I follow her eyes and see her clothes lying there in a messy pile. My face turns back to hers; she looks terrified. I’m sure she isn’t about to scurry past me to pick up her clothes.
I’m right. Instead, she scrambles for the few rags on the floor, picking them up to cover herself. It doesn’t do much because there’s too much of her delectable body to cover and not enough fabric.
I probably shouldn’t be smiling because Tammy is clearly a little distressed, but I can’t help it. I’m amazed at the weirdness of the situation, which I also find amusing. Maybe it’s not nice that I’m entertained by this, but I simply can’t help myself.
“What are you doing here?” she spits out at me. That question is a little surprising, considering. I expected apologies and embarrassed looks. I thought she was going to throw herself at my feet, begging for forgiveness. Honestly, I expected anything but the accusatory nature of her words. My eyebrows go up with shock.
“Well, I do own this place. I’m not sure if you saw – since it is so late at night – but my name is on the building and the letterhead and all the checks. Also, on the deed. I happen to own all of the equipment in this room as well since I am the one who paid for it. I think the better question is what are you doing here?” Her eyes look away from mine and to the floor. I can see her mind racing for an explanation. I wonder if she’ll find one.
“It’s not important. It’s whatever,” she mumbles.
“Oh, I beg to differ. I am very interested to hear your explanation for all of this. I’m all ears.” I motion for her to continue talking. Tammy isn’t getting out of this room without telling me why she came into it in the first place. I also want to know why she just came, literally, all over one of my tables.
I want to know a lot of things regarding this situation.
“It doesn’t matter, okay. I’m sorry. I’ll leave. We don’t have to make a big deal out of all of this. Honestly, we never have to see one another ever again.”
“Tammy, tell me the truth. What are you doing here? Why were you doing that?” I insist. She looks back at me, her eyes narrowed.
“I was filming an audition tape, okay! It was for this new reality series called Fantastic Florists.”
“Oh. Interesting.” My eyebrows go even higher. “Is it a porn show? Because that is the only explanation I can see for what was going on in here – that you’re auditioning for pornography.”
She had been very into her little show. Those noises she was making, the way her body arched and limbs twisted. I’m sure she’d be very popular. I doubt George’s daughter was auditioning for porn, but why else would this be happening? I truly can’t think of any other explanation outside of her being an exhibitionist. Which, now that I think about it, would make quite a bit of sense.
“No, I’m not doing that. It’s not that. I don’t…” she sputters. Her face is turning an ungodly shade of red. “It’s a competition for florists to make arrangements. I just got a little carried away. It was dumb, and I shouldn’t have done it. Obviously. I’m sorry; I made a mistake.” Her eyes dart between me and the floor.
I feel a little bad about it, but I start to laugh. I can’t believe her night went from auditioning from a flower arranging video to what I just walked in on. I can’t imagine the leap it took to get from arranging a couple of flowers to masturbating with a vase, but stranger things have happened.
“I can see you got a little carried away. Maybe more than a little carried away.”
I notice the camera she was using to record and walk over to it. An idea had started forming in my mind when I realized just who I was dealing with, and now it’s really starting to take hold.
Tammy jumps a little when I start moving, but she stays by the table. I stop the recording and pop open the tape deck, looking the little cassette over before placing it into my pocket.
“Well, this has been quite the ride, Tammy Thompson. We should talk about this later, don’t you think? Since it’s getting kind of late?” Tammy’s eyes go wide, but she doesn’t answer. “Yeah, we’ll talk about this later. It’s almost 1 a.m., and I really should be getting back home. I have to be back in this office in a few hours, and I’ve got a lot of work to do in the meantime. But I’ll see you around. Okay, Tammy?”