Page 37 of Justice of Hell
“Honey?” Phoe asked, and Big Al shook his head.
“Not now, Phoe, we’re going to Magic’s. The fire has changed direction yet again. The bastard blaze is proving to have its own mind. But we’ve been told to return to the bar, so we’re heading there,” Big Al said. The tone in his voice worried me. The return drive was silent and on edge. Both Phoe and I guessed something had happened. Drake met Phoe by the car when we pulled into a parking spot, and he wrapped an arm around her and walked her away. I watched as Phoe stiffened and sank into Drake’s arms and buried her head in his chest. Phoe’s tear-filled gaze came to me with sympathy, and Chance blocked my view.
Chance’s face was streaked with soot, and ash covered his hair. His green eyes stared at me as he opened the door and helped me out. Chance stank of smoke, and he still wore his firefighting gear. Behind him stood Diesel, and my stomach sank. Diesel was Dakota’s best friend. I climbed out of the truck and blinked at Chance. Chance opened his mouth to speak and shut it again, swallowing hard.
“Dakota’s missing,” I said, and Chance nodded. My knees weakened, and I fell to the ground, aware of Chance swearing as he reached out to catch me.
Chapter Eight.
“You left Logan!”
The shriek tore at my nerves as I sat next to Diesel, his arm around me. Chance and Hellfire were waiting on the word to say they could go back, but Logan’s, the Carter’s and Eli had returned, and the mother was way past hysterical.
“Honey…” Mr Carter said, and Mrs Carter batted him away.
“Assholes left our Logan!” Mrs Carter screamed and turned to face Chance and Hellfire. I saw the flash in her eyes and knew what she would say before opening her mouth. “You’re sitting there instead of being out there looking for Logan. He’s a little boy, a child!”
“How dare you!” I shrieked, emotion overcoming any empathy I had.
“What?” Mrs Carter exclaimed, turning with a sneer.
“My guy is one of them, and he’s out there, lost, possibly dead. And why is Dakota out there? Because your asshole son grew an illegal pot farm. And then, instead of shouldering the responsibility like a man, he burned it. Eli created this fire that may well have taken the life of Logan and my Dakota. How dare you scream at these men when they’ve been firefighting for twelve hours!”
“They’re not out searching now,” Mrs Carter bitched, and I itched to slap her.
“No, they aren’t because it’s too dangerous. Tell me, do their deaths make it right that your cunt of a son Eli left his brother out here alone? How many innocent deaths will mollify you?” Mrs Carter paled, but I was on a roll. “Is Eli going to be charged with wilful manslaughter because he set the fire that may have killed my boyfriend? When they bring Dakota’s body out, will you realise what that little shit has done?” I took a deep breath.
“Has Eli or your husband been searching? Or have the three of you been sitting on your asses here, annoying everyone that’s helping? Greedily eating free food. My man is a volunteer. He didn’t have to go out. Dakota chose to. And all because your bastard son is a spoiled prick, let me guess, Mommy and Daddy, cut your pocket money?” I said, turning to sneer at Eli.
“Umm…” Eli muttered. “I wanted a new car.”
“A car? So you grew weed because Mommy and Daddy wouldn’t let you have the one you chose? Your asshole, immature, selfish, self-entitled behaviour may have killed your brother and a man who’s only got goodness in his heart! If my Dakota doesn’t return, that makes you his murderer and Logans!” I shrieked. Mrs Carter reared back, clearly not liking being called on her actions or Eli’s, but I was right and knew it.
“Logan is lost!”
“Yes, because of Eli. Don’t you dare blame these men, who are fucking heroes, for your missing son. Blame the person who deserves it, that little cunt, there!” I pointed at Eli, who paled. “You call your classmates to help find Logan? Did you go out on any searches? As soon as we’re given the all-clear to go to where they lost sight of Dakota, those brothers will be straight back out there. They’ve not slept for over twenty-four hours. But they’re still willing to look for a fallen brother and Logan. And with God’s blessing, they’ll find them alive. So, stop your bitching. Christ, you’re not the only one with a loved one missing. And mine is lost with no fault of his own!” I stomped away, and Chance reached out and dragged me into his arms.
“Bunny, we’ll find Pyro, I swear, and he’ll be okay because there’s no other option.”
“Oh, there is Chance, but you’re not willing to consider it. But it’s constantly at the back of my mind. Dakota should never have been out there; we all know Dakota’s terrified of fire, but he went because all of you did. That’s not on your head; that’s on his. Dakota pushed his limits because you’re his brothers, and he didn’t want to let you down. Chance, you couldn’t have stopped him going, but Dakota would break when confronted with an inferno,” I whispered.
“Bunny, I knew some of Pyro’s background, but not all. Noticed he’d been burned, but Pyro kept it quiet. Think the rest guessed because Pyro would freak sometimes, but none of us asked. This isn’t the first time I’ve been caught unaware of a brother’s problems. Prided myself, Bunny, on being a brilliant brother and president, and I’ve failed several of them. Ain’t got pride in me now.”
“Shut up, Chance, you’re a good Prez. And if you pried into Dakota’s life, I’d bet Dakota would have ripped your head off. Being a great president means letting Hellfire come to you when they’re ready. If you push them, you’ll alienate someone. So it’s best, as much as it may gall you, to stand back and let Hellfire know you’re there when they need you.”
“Bunny, you think I shouldn’t pressure these idiots for their dark pasts and secrets? Drake did with his brothers,” Chance asked.
“Nope. Rage is a different MC to Hellfire. What works for Rage won’t for Hellfire. Because when Hellfire requires somebody, where will they go? Who do they trust? By trusting them now, they’ll count on you when it’s necessary.”
“Girl, Pyro picked a good one. Thanks for the pep talk; now it’s my turn, honey. Pyro is well trained for survival. Pyro has all the tools and equipment needed to come through this alive. I don’t know why he ran off, but we’ll find him, and Pyro will be alive. And when I get my hands on him, I’m gonna throttle him twice. Once for worrying the shit out of me and the second for scaring the fuck out of you. Then I’ll let Pyro’s brothers beat his lame-ass,” Chance replied.
“You do that.” I smiled tremulously.
“Bunny, Pyro will come home. Pyro might joke about and act like a fool, but Pyro has common sense, and he’ll live. Although Pyro may wish he’d died out there after Hellfire thumps him,” Chance said, suddenly grim.
“You’ve been through this before. Waiting for news on a brother’s health?” I instinctively knew that Chance was remembering the past.
“Yeah, Bunny. Several times, and sometimes I didn’t get the message I wanted. This time I will. Pyro has every reason to fight and win.”