Page 36 of Justice of Hell
“Fire’s heading straight for Magic’s bar,” Pyro called, his eyes shadowed.
“You okay? Need to leave?” Diesel asked instantly.
“Nah, I’m fine. Not leaving you fuckers here to fight this alone. Knowing you assholes, you’d make it worse,” Pyro shot back. Chance chuckled and then studied Pyro. All of Hellfire knew he had a solid aversion to fire and flames. Severe enough that even someone lighting a smoke would make Pyro flinch. Chance noticed Pyro dug deep when they did their fire training, and he was digging deeper now not to run off screaming.
Chance knew why; he’d seen the scars and knew Pyro had been burned. His admiration for Pyro grew in leaps and bounds. He’d always respected and loved his brother, but today Pyro shoved aside the joker persona and showed his true grit. Hell, they all were. Diesel grabbed a mouthful of water and gave his bottle to Levi. Levi took a swallow and handed it back; Chance guessed he was out of water.
“Did anyone feel that?” Tiny’s head swivelled, scenting the air.
“What?” Rooster demanded, sitting up.
“The winds changed direction again, fuckin’ thing. The fire’s going to snake around behind and cut us off. Everyone go now!” Chance bellowed, hauling brothers to their feet.
“Steady pace, but move it,” Bear ordered as Hellfire began walking out. Pyro was at the rear with Chatter, both grimly moving forward. Chance sensed the flames changing, turning back on them, and knew they were in trouble. Hellfire had one chance at making it out alive. The slim lines of the firebreaks they’d dug were their protection. Hopefully, they would hold long enough for Hellfire to escape.
Pyro’s radio crackled as Chance’s fears were confirmed. The wildfire was rushing towards them at a breakneck speed. They had to move faster. Chance was ordered to go to a different base as the original path was blocked. Hellfire changed directions and headed out, moving at a jog now. Chance knew his brothers had to dig deep to reach safety. Pyro staggered a little. Chatter grabbed his shoulder as Pyro gazed into the trees as if he saw something.
“What’s up?” Chatter yelled over the noise of the approaching fire.
“Nothing,” Pyro yelled back and began jogging. He’d not taken ten steps when he jerked to look up again, and he broke off.
“Pyro!” Chatter roared, reaching for him. Pyro shouted something but kept running.
“Chatter?” Chance bellowed, moving aside and letting Hellfire run past him. Pyro dashed off into the trees, seeking something.
“What the fuck?” Chance rumbled. A loud crash came from behind, and Chance’s head flipped.
“Fire’s too close; we got to move,” Chatter yelled, his voice betraying his agony at leaving Pyro.
“Chatter, go, now!” Chance ordered and made to follow Pyro. Chatter’s hand snuck out and grabbed Chance’s arm.
“Louisa Mae,” Chatter said, and Chance froze. Fuck, his baby girl. Chance couldn’t leave her and Clio alone, but he couldn’t leave Pyro inside an inferno.
“Pyro has his fire shelter. You’ve got to trust he’ll use it or find another way out. Chance, you can’t leave Louisa Mae without a father. Chance, move!” Chatter shouted as he saw the leading edge of flames. Chance tossed one torn look over his shoulder, but his feet followed Chatter. All the time they ran, Chance berated himself for leaving a brother behind. Chance had never been so torn, his oath to Clio and Louisa Mae to love and protect them, the same vow to his brother, Pyro. Fuck this shit, Chance thought as they broke from the trees and headed across a creek to the other side.
Pyro searched for the blue that had caught his eye. Somebody was out here and probably in trouble with the fire bearing down on them. The smoke hurt his eyes as it rolled towards him, thick and fast. Dirty, black fog threatened to burn his eyes, and Pyro fitted his respirator over his mouth to aid his breathing and sight. There! There it was. Pyro raced forward and discovered a tiny boy curled up in the undergrowth. Logan’s face was streaked with tears, but two reddened brown eyes stared at him. Pyro yanked his mask off and stuck it over Logan’s mouth. He quickly took stock of the situation and noted a rocky bed.
“Listen to me, kid, we’re trapped by the fire, and we got no place to go. Need you to trust me. I’ve got a magical shelter we can hide under, but we have to get to that area there. Can you run?” Logan shook his head; his eyes were huge and terrified. Logan was dressed in a blue tee and jacket with black jeans. From what Pyro could discern quickly, he had no injuries, but that wasn’t guaranteed.
“Logan, I can’t check you for wounds with the fire approaching. Can I carry you? Will that hurt?” Pyro could deploy the fire shelter here, but it wasn’t ideal and lowered the odds of survival. Logan held his arms up. “Right, kid, I need to take my mask back because I don’t think you can carry me, and I’ll need to breathe. I want you to put your head on my shoulder and cover your face.” Logan did as ordered, and Pyro rose. Burning embers floated around them, and Pyro knew that only feet behind him, the blaze raced greedily towards him. Pyro didn’t hesitate but set off at a run for the rocky area. Once there, he placed Logan on his feet and unpacked the fire shelter. Pyro unzipped the case and shook it out.
“Grab hold of me,” Pyro said as he glanced at the trees. The flames were metres away, and he’d run out of time. Logan clung to Pyro’s neck as Pyro stepped into the shelter and yanked it up over his head. Pyro lay down on the stones and undid his jacket, shoving Logan under it and huddled against his side. He pushed his hands and feet into the four corners of the shelter to hold the shelter down and told Logan to push his face towards the dirt.
The noise of the blaze bore down upon them, and Pyro was thankful Logan was stiff with shock. If the boy attempted to make a run for it, they’d both die. It sounded like an aeroplane was landing on top of them. The roar was deafening. Embers and debris struck the shelter, causing Logan to burrow even more deeply into Pyro. Pyro did not know if the child could hear him, but he kept saying soothing things to hopefully keep Logan calm. Logan stiffened next to him as the fire stormed the shelter, and Pyro used his weight to keep it low to the ground.
“Magic shelter kid, magic, remember!” Pyro hollered as he felt Logan’s fight or flight instinct kick in. Logan’s brown eyes stared as Pyro forced a smile on his face. Shit repeatedly hit the shelter, but Logan stayed nestled into his side as Pyro waited for the flames to pass. The inferno moved over him, and Pyro pulled his limbs back in when his senses screamed a warning at him. A roar boomed from behind them, and Pyro froze. A second wave of fire was headed straight at them, and it sounded worse than what had just passed over their heads. This one echoed like a freight train, and it was on a collision course for them. Pyro did something he’d not done for a long time. Prayed.
Big Al and I left the bank. I’d put the bar’s takings into Magic’s account, and Big Al put mine into a Hellfire account and then gave me the receipt. I clutched it as I climbed back inside the wagon and met Phoe’s open gaze with a tremulous smile. It was too much effort to hide that I was worried about Dakota. Big Al spoke on the phone outside the truck, and I saw him nod several times.
As Phoe and I watched, a heaviness settled over Big Al, and his face became set in stone. Big Al barked a few questions and then ran a hand through his hair. He ended the call and stared at his feet for a few moments before shoving his shoulders back and climbing into the driver’s seat.