Page 75 of Her Soul for Revenge
“Should I do it?” I whispered, right in his ear. He didn’t hesitate for even a second. His eager nodding made me laugh. “Damn, you really want me to cut you up, don’t you?” I walked back around in front of him and tapped the knife under his chin. “Fucking sit up straight. And don’t you dare come until I say you can.”
I braced my hands on his shoulders, and lowered myself down onto him. He groaned as my pussy squeezed around him, tight even though I tried to relax to fit his girth more easily. I sheathed him fully inside me, panting through the last couple inches. It didn’t get any easier, fitting that monster inside.
His every muscle was taut as he watched me. I’d never thought I’d see a demon try so hard to behave. But of course, the only time he could manage to be good was when he was doing something so bad.
I traced my knife lightly along his skin, just beneath his collarbone. There was a gap in his tattoos there, a space between the dark, serpentine designs along his shoulders and the elaborate piece that adorned his chest.
That was where I’d mark my name.
I kissed his skin before I cut it. I kissed it slowly, taking my time, inhaling his scent with every touch of my lips against him. I looked up, and found him watching me longingly, his eyes bright with the anticipation of pain.
“You made a deal to own me,” I said softly, my lips inches from his. His cock throbbed inside me, and I barely held back a groan. “But I own you too.”
I sliced into his skin. Zane’s breath hitched around the gag, and he tipped his head back, his eyes closing as he savored the careful, stinging cuts. I formed the first letter of my name, and then the second, my gaze flickering back to his face every few seconds. His cock throbbed again, and I moved myself slowly along his shaft, riding him as I continued through the letters.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” I murmured. I paused halfway through my name, watching the blood drip down as I pleasured myself, fucking myself on his cock with one arm around his neck to hold myself up. “You get even harder when I cut you.” I paused, his cock buried deep inside me, and slapped my palm against his cheek. His eyes opened again, and he muttered something incomprehensible around the gag.
“Don’t close your eyes,” I said, as I set the knife back against his skin. “Watch me.”
He watched, his cock throbbing with every cut I made. He was shaking as if cold, but his body was feverishly hot. As his breath came harder, the room grew darker and so did his eyes. He was thrusting fervently into me as I reached the end of my name. That feral need couldn’t be caged for much longer.
I wanted it too badly to hold back anymore. I carved the final letter into him, smiling at the sight of my name etched in blood across his chest. But I only had a moment to truly admire it. There was a loud snap, and suddenly I found myself on my back, pinned to the floor, and Zane was gripping my thighs as he angled himself deep inside me.
He’dbrokenthe shackles. He’d snapped them like they were nothing more than brittle glass.
My gasp choked off into desperate moans. He pounded into me, still gagged, the chains dangling from his wrists as he held my legs up and fucked me hard. I clawed his neck, leaving long red scratches across his tattooed skin, and he gripped my legs hard enough to bruise.
Every inch of him was tense, shaking, pushed to uncontrollable need by my slow teasing. I cried out, squeezing around him as pleasure shattered me into pieces. When the bliss contorted my face, he watched with veneration, with longing, as if he’d witnessed something unspeakably holy.
“Zane!” My voice shook, my body enraptured to that perfect ecstasy. My toes curled, my mind dazed and empty as he thrust into me with ravenous urgency. The sight of my scratches on his neck, the welts from the flogger on his shoulders, nearly made me come again then and there. I was riding high on an endless wave of euphoria, only brought higher as his cock throbbed inside me.
He growled around the gag and slammed his fist down, his claws ripping into the carpet as he came, pumping me full with his seed. He leaned into the crook of my shoulder, his hot forehead pressed to my skin, sucking in his breath sharply with every pulse of his cock inside me.
We lay still, panting, twined together like that for several minutes as we caught our breath. Slowly, with shaking arms, I unbuckled his gag and took it from his mouth. He chuckled softly, and lay his head back down against my shoulder, working his jaw for a minute to get the tension out.
“So, what do you think of it?” I said softly. “Now you have my mark too.”
He sat up, smiling as he looked down at the fresh cuts on his shoulder. The bleeding had already stopped, the wounds swiftly healing. “I’ll make sure they scar,” he said. “It’s an honor to be marked by a wolf.”
He pulled me up against him, holding me close. I hadn’t thought my marks would stay. I thought they’d be fun for the few minutes they lasted and nothing more.
But it felt right. I was glad my name was there.
I didn’t know what the hell would become of us. I didn’t even know if we would live another day or die. For now, it didn’t matter.
For whatever it was worth, regardless of what these twisting, confusing, frightening emotions meant — I’d given myself to a demon, and he’d given himself to me in return.
I’d done a lot of weird shit on October 31st, but I’d never made plans to crash a Halloween party and kill its host before. Every morning, I woke up with a ticking clock in my head. A countdown that seemed to drag slower and slower the closer it got to zero.
This was it. Kent Hadleigh was going to die.
I had no idea if we’d be successful. Any number of things could go wrong, the possibility that we’d fail never left my mind. But finally, after so many years, I was close. My tension was a knot pulled tight in my stomach, squeezing inside me from the time I opened my eyes until the hour I finally managed to close them.
But as nervous as I was, it was hard not to have fun when Zane was so goddamn excited about it.
“All the best parties end in murder,” he said, trailing behind me as we wound through the Halloween store, browsing the messy rows of costumes. “That’s what keeps people talking about it.”