Page 74 of Her Soul for Revenge
“Do you like the look of this?” I let the flogger I’d selected swing from my hand as I approached him. The handle was leather, but the tails were slim pieces of metal chain. It was the kind of piece that could cause damage if wielded hard enough, but he’d already told me these toys weren’t here with humans in mind. I ran the metal tails up his arm, over his shoulders...and whipped it down.
His breath hitched for only a moment. The chains left behind beautiful red marks, growing brighter across his skin with every passing second. I hummed appreciatively and whipped it down again. His shoulders tightened, and I scratched my nails over the fresh marks.
“So quiet,” I teased. “Not so hard to silence yourself once it’s a challenge, is it?”
I put more force into my next lash. He exhaled heavily, readjusting himself, spreading his legs slightly. “Jeans getting a little tight there?” I brought my lips close to his neck, let my breath tease up his skin to just below his ear. “Poor boy. Doesn’t look very comfortable.” His hips twitched forward, and he took a deep, slow breath as I stood back and raised the flogger again. “Does the sting make your cock twitch?”
I whipped the chains down, and he growled as the reddened marks bloomed across his skin. Every step I took left me viscerally aware of how wet I was. I’d taken command in sex before, with other partners, but there was something particularly exciting about someone as powerful as Zane submitting to me. Even knowing he was a masochist hadn’t prepared me for him toactuallylet me take command.
I draped the flogger around his neck and pressed my foot against his crotch. His thick, hard length twitched against me, and I giggled as I applied a little more pressure. “Should I set this greedy cock of yours free?” I ground my foot down and he groaned, the veins in his arms beginning to run black. “I think I will. I just don’t know yet if it’ll be to make you feel good...or to hurt you.”
I crouched down and pulled open the button on his jeans. The head of his cock was glistening with precum, having pushed past the waistband of his briefs entirely. I rubbed my fingertip in slow circles around his slick cherry-red head, savoring every twitch.
“You’re looking a little tense, Zane.” His half-lidded eyes were fixed on me with such predatory hunger that I wondered if he was going to lose his patience and break out of the cuffs. The sight of his fangs around that thick silver gag, sharp against the bright metal, made my stomach squirm with desire.
I’d tamed a monster all my own, a monster who knelt for me from sheer desire.
I pulled down his zipper and tugged down his briefs, so his cock sprang free, straining toward me. I gripped it in my hand, too big to be fully encircled by my fingers. I stroked along it slowly, marveling at the ridges and swells of its ridiculous girth. Another bead of precum dripped from his tip, and I caught it with my thumb and sucked it in my mouth.
A shudder ran over him as he watched me, his hips jerking forward.
“What?” I said sweetly, dragging the flogger from around his neck. “Do you want more?”
I walked behind him, lashing him again before I stripped off my shirt and tossed it over his head to land in front of him. Another lash, and then my bra followed. Another — and I tugged off my jeans and threw them into the pile. Only my panties remained, damp with my arousal. His back was beautifully reddened, a few small welts forming amongst his tattoos.
“You’ve been so quiet, Zane,” I said softly. “You can manage to shut up after all. I think I should make it more difficult for you.”
I slid my panties down, and dangled them in front of his face. The moment he saw the dampness glistening on the fabric, he groaned.
“Do you want a little taste?” I circled him, naked, and trailed my finger down my chest, over the soft hair between my legs. “Should I let you taste?”
He nodded eagerly, every muscle tense, nostrils flaring with the effort of keeping himself obediently on his knees. It had to be sheer torture to control himself. Those chains on him were nothing: it was the self-restraint, the shuddering control, that truly kept him in his place.
There was something so cathartic in this. My anxiety had melted away when I’d trusted him enough to submit to him — this feeling was different, but no less intense. I was in awe of his self-control and enamored with my own power. I didn’t need any weapons to be powerful here.
I slipped my finger between my legs, sighing softly as I rubbed over my clit. His eyes were fixated on me, and he stared at my fingers as I drew them away, glistening with my arousal. I crouched down, and stroked my finger over his lips. He was practically shaking with the effort not to break through those chains.
I straddled him, teasing my pussy against the thick head of his cock and trailing the flogger up his back. “Too bad about that gag, boy. You can’t taste me with that in your mouth.”
When he groaned again, it was closer to a growl, and he tried to mutter something around the gag. I whipped the flogger down, grinning at the brief flicker of pain across his face. “Complaining, are we? Behave yourself, or this is all you’re going to get.”
I slid his head inside — just the head, and even that stretched me. I bit my lip, savoring the tightness as he watched me. It was a struggle not to take all of him. I teased him for how turned on he was, but I wasn’t doing any better. His cock twitched eagerly inside me, throbbing at my entrance, and I laughed softly.
“Do you want this pussy, Zane? Do you want more?”
He couldn’t move his hands to touch me; he used that weird little mind trick of his instead. It brought the sensation of fingers stroking through my hair and caressing down to grip tightly around my neck. I whipped the flogger against his back again, and he chuckled victoriously around the gag.
“Don’t get fucking cheeky with me,” I hissed. “I’ll use this flogger on your cock if you can’t behave.”
His eyes widened slightly, a glint of masochistic joy brightening them. Ofcoursehe liked the idea of that. Figures. But I understood it too well — after all, I was also the type to feel like threats of punishment were really just offers for a good time.
We were far too alike sometimes; alike in ways I’d never thought I could share with another being.
I got up, leaving his cock straining and glistening with arousal. He jerked toward me: eager, almost desperate. I shook my head at him, even though waiting to have him fill me was damn near torture for me too.
“You know, Zane, I let you carve your name in my skin.” I walked around him, swinging the flogger idly, the chain clinking together softly as I kissed it over his shoulders. “I’d really like to do the same to you.”
I pulled my knife from its sheath on my thigh, leaned over his shoulder, and held up the blade in front of him. His eyes widened with excitement, his jaw squeezing tighter around the gag. The thought of getting to mark him like he’d marked me — leaving my name in his flesh, scarring him so every demon who crossed his path would know a mortal had laid her claim on him — made desire tingle over every inch of my body.