Page 36 of #PhiThetaForever
"So, you come here, focused on your studies and the plan you and your girlfriend have. Then, you meet get convinced to join Sigma Nu, so you pledge. Tell everyone what happened next." Sam is good at this. The tone of his voice, the way he says things, it make you want to talk. Want to share.
"So then the pledge events start. First it was just being forced to drink. Then is was cocaine and smoking weed. I started blowing my girlfriend off, lying to her, missing classes. When she found out about everything, she gave me a choice: her or the drugs."
Justus sighed next to me, reminding me that I wasn't the only one here with a running history with Sigma Nu being at the center of almost destroying our lives. "And tell them what happened over the holiday, brother."
It hits me in that moment, that my choices put Justus in a bad position. He was my teammate, but also good friends with Lena. And I put him in a position where he had to choose. He chose her and whether he knows it or not, I'm grateful.
"So, after several months of screwing up, my girlfriend give me the choice and I chose her. I tell the Frat president that if he wants me to pledge, I won't do anymore of the drugs. I explain why, and I was shocled when he said he understood and he wouldn't make me do that stuff anymore. He said he's make new pledge challanegse for me. I thought he really got it. Like, I really wanted to be Sigma Nu, but I didn't want to lose my girlfriend.
"For like a month, things were fine. Then the Thanksgiving holiday rolled around. I was supposed to go back East with Lena, that's my girlfriend's name, to spend the holiday with her dad. Bo shows up at Lena's dorm the night before we're supposed to leave and says I have to go spend the holiday with the pledges at some cabin. Lena's actually tells me to go. Says for me to be safe and all, but she's totally supportive."
"Were you expecting that?" Sam leans forward, staring at me with a million questions in his eyes.
"Nope. I figured she'd be pissed. Really long story short, Bo pushed the drugs back, I caved and while I was high out of my mind he video called Lena from my phone and let her watch me take body shots of a naked sorority chick, which I have no memory of. Needless to say, all hell broke loose and I gave up Sigma Nu the next day. Left the cabin, came back here, and vowed I'd spend the rest of my life earning her love and trust back. Even if it takes the rest of my life."
"So let me get this right," an older guy, probably a Senior, sitting across from me says tapping his hand on the table. "This frat, which we've all heard about before, is forcing people to drink, do drugs, from Justus' experience, rape girls on campus, all in pledge events, and they're still allowed to exist here? I'm sorry, Pastor, but how has Sigma Nu ruined this many lives and no one has gone to the police or the Dean. Something?"
Sam shakes his head and sighs. "Garrett, I wish it were that simple. Sigma Nu does have friends in high places, and aside from Justus, none of those currently in the frat or previous pledges have ever been willing to speak about what goes on."
I stare at Justus, the pain and anger both plain on his face. Reaching over, I clasp my hand on his shoulder and he looks at me in confusion. "I'd talk."
"Are you serious?" Justus eyes go wide and he stares at me.
"They may have friends in high places, but I have family in high places. Maybe that family can help."
"Dude, explain." Justus sits up straighter and I can feel every eye in the room on me.
"I haven't called and told my parents anything I've gone through. But I'm going home for the Winter Break. My dad is Senator Aiden Harp. Pretty sure he might have some people and ideas that could help shut Sigma Nu down."
Justus mouth drops open. "I did not make that connection with your last name. You've never mentioned that, why?"
I shrug my shoulders. "I don't make a habit of using my dad's position. Honestly, Jackson, Candice, and Lena are the first and only people in my life that love me for me, not for what they think the association can do for them."
Justus chuckles. "Well, I liked you before I knew who your dad was, but if he could help shut down Sigma Nu, there's a lot of guys on this campus that'd be mighty grateful."
I nod as Sam goes back in to the meeting. Putting the side thoughts about Sigma Nu away, I spend the next forty five minutes discussing with the group about how to stay clean. They all give me ideas for relapse prevention, coping mechanisms, and how to avoid things that trigger the want to drink or get high. By the time Sam dismisses us, it's dark out and almost an hour later than we were supposed to get done, but I feel more hopeful than I have in weeks.
As we head back to campus, I turn my phone on. There's a text from Lena and also a text from a unknown number.
Unknown: She really is quite the prize. (Picture Msg)
Clicking the link to open the picture, my heart skips, stops, and then picks up beating double time. It's a picture of Lena, sitting in the library, leaning over her books. I don't know why this makes panic settle in my chest but it does. I show just the picture and his eyes go wide, his brows coming together in confusion.
"Let's hurry up and get back to campus," he says and we both take off in a jog.
I can't explain the unsettling, ominous heaviness in my chest, but I don't like it one bit.
38 Lena
I damn near had a heart attack when Declan and Justus came running into the library, out of breath, and cussing under their breath. Declan had scooped my out of my chair and crushed me his chest, kissing my hair, repeatedly, before handing me off to Justus who held me at arms length, looking over me like something was broken, while Declan looked all around the library. They scared the living crap out of me and Darcy, then psuhed for us to go back to the dorm room.
Now, Darcy, Candice, and I are sitting on Candice's bed, furtherest from the dining area where Declan, Jackson, Justus, Sandra, and Josiah are all whispering together. It pisses me off more than it should, but I can't seem to control it. Finally, I stand up and put my hands on my hips. "Declan!"
They all turn and look at me with wide eyes, and Declan takes a step toward me, his face tight, eyebrows together in concern. "Baby?"
"I don't know what's going on, but you promise me no more lies, no more secrets. So, you all can either include us in your little whisper-fest, or all of you can get the hell out of our dorm. Your decision."
Declan glances over his shoulder as if asking persmission to include me, which pisses me off even more.