Page 62 of #Lovestrong
I've never been so pissed in my life. Darcy doesn't even have the humanity to pretend to be ashamed. She's sitting next to Myra with a smirk on her face, picking at her nails while we wait for our parents and Myra's father to get here. The principal and school resource officer both look like they want to punch my sister in the face. I don't blame them. If she wasn't a girl, I'd punch her too.
"You better hope I don't forget my morals when we get home, Darcy. ‘Cause I'm seriously contemplating slapping the shit out of you," I say, shaking my head and bouncing my leg out of agitation.
There's a knock on the door right before it opens. Both my parents, Myra's dad, and Mrs. Hallstetter come in and shut the door behind them.
"Is Ms. Harrison okay?" Principal Kelrite sits straighter behind his desk.
Mrs. Hallstetter shakes her head. "She requested her grandparents pick her up."
Principal Kelrite thumps his hand on his desk and stares right at my sister and Myra. "So, you two thought it would be funny to set off fireworks that sound like gunshots in a gym full of students."
Myra at least has the grace to look down. My sister, on the other hand, smirks.
"It was a joke. Little Miss Perfect will be fine, sheesh."
My anger gets the best of me and just as I push to get out of my chair, my father pushes down on my shoulder. He looks down at me and the anger in his eyes makes me shrink back.
"I'm glad you think this is funny, Ms. Harp," Principal Kelrite says without humor. "Several students were injured thanks to your stunt, and I'll be contacting their parents and the school board on Monday to find out if legal charges will be pressed against the two of you."
"Oh my God, you can't do that," Myra says, her eyes full of panic. She looks up at her father, who looks like he swallowed a cactus.
"Shut your mouth, Myra Ann. I can't believe you'd do something so blatantly stupid and cruel. What in the hell is wrong with you two?"
"Regardless of what the outcome is, both of you are suspended for the next thirty days. Your parents can come here to get your schoolwork and you will be responsible for completing it and having them return it. On top of that, you both will be banned from this year’s Senior Prom."
Myra and Darcy both start yelling until Principal Kelrite thumps his fist on the desk again.
"And even though you both will still graduate, providing you keep your grades up, you will be banned from walking across the stage at graduation. Maybe that will teach you to think before you do something this stupid ever again."
Darcy stares at him with her mouth hanging open. He stares right back.
"Mom, you aren't seriously going to let him do this, are you?" Darcy turns around to our mom.
Mom takes a deep breath and pins my sister with a stare that could kill. "You're lucky he isn't expelling you. And you're grounded, from now until you either leave for college or no longer live under mine and your father's roof. I have had enough of this crap from you, Darcy. Now, take your ass out to the car and wait for us."
Mrs. Hallstetter sits down next to me and waits for Myra and her dad to leave as well. Once they're gone, she sighs loudly. "Declan, Lena wasn't doing okay when she left here. I usually don't give advice for students when it comes to their personal lives, but you or your parents, or someone, should probably check on her."
My stomach drops and my pulse thumps through my veins. All the progress Lena has made, and Darcy’s stupid ass does this to her. And for what? Jealousy? I don't even understand my sister anymore and I don't care. All I care about is making sure my girlfriend is okay.
I nod to Mrs. Hallstetter and stand, turning to my parents. "I'm going to Lena's. I'll be home once I know she's okay."
Without another word, I leave the room and as soon as I step out the front doors, I take off at a full run to my car. Jackson and Candice are standing next to it. I don't stop to chat as I unlock the doors. "I'm going to Lena's." I slam my door, start the engine, and peel wheels out of the parking lot.
I make it to Lena's five minutes faster than usual, not caring how fast I drove. Taking the stairs two at a time, I bang on the front door. After a few minutes, I bang again. When I raise my fist to bang a third time, Mr. Gary opens the door and steps outside, closing it behind him.
"I need to see Lena," I say, trying to take a breath.
"Declan, calm down, son." His voice is overly calm as he reaches out to put his hands on my shoulders. "Her grandma gave her sleeping meds and she's in bed. I know you love her and you always want to be there to fix things, but she doesn't want to see anyone right now, and as her grandpa, I'm going to politely ask you to give her some space this time. When she's ready to talk to you, she'll call."
My heart breaks and the tears that slide down my face are warm. The pain in my chest is unbearable. This is my fault. I knew at the Homecoming game that my sister was up to something. I should have known she'd do something stupid. I can't seem to shut the tears off now that they've started. "Please tell her I'm sorry."
Mr. Gary surprises me when he pulls me into a firm hug. "This isn't your fault, son. She just needs a little space."
Walking back to my car, I feel deflated, like someone sucked all the air out of my lungs, my body, everything.
God, please make sure she knows I love her.
I suck in a breath and curse, slamming my hands onto the steering wheel until they ache. Damn my sister and her crap. Damn her right to hell.