Page 28 of #Lovestrong
Iwoke up this morning with a smile on my face. I have a girlfriend and she's the most beautiful, amazing thing to ever come into my life. Rolling over, I grab my phone off the nightstand to text her, but there's already one from her.
Lena: I'm coming into school late because I've got some stuff to take care of with my grandpa. Last night was perfect by the way. I'll see you at lunch.
I sigh, already missing her and wishing she wasn't going to be late. It's crazy how five minutes after we're apart, I want to be with her again. I've honestly never felt like this in my entire life.
I text her back. Okay, baby. Can't wait to see you.
I groan and sit up to stretch, shuffling to the shower. The entire time I'm getting ready, all I can think about is kissing her again. It's like Lena was literally made for me. She's everything I've ever wanted, and she makes me smile in ways I can't even describe.
After I'm dressed, I grab my book bag and phone, and hustle out to my car. To my dismay, my sister is leaning against it.
"I need a ride, dickface," she says, not bothering to look up from her phone.
"Yeah, name calling won't make me inclined to give you one. Try not being a bitch." I shoo her away from my door as I hit the key fob to unlock it.
"Seriously, Declan, you're way more arrogant lately than I care for. Just give me a damn ride to school."
"What's wrong? Did your newest conquest decide not to give you one?"
"Ugh, that shit lasted all of last weekend and I'm over it." She rolls her eyes and clicks her cell off before sliding it in her purse. "Are you going to give me a ride or what?"
"You need to find a ride home. I'm going to Lena's after school."
"Ah, the famous mystery girl I haven't met yet? What's your deal with this girl anyway?" Darcy opens the passenger side door and slides in as I get in the driver's side and start the car.
"Well, she's my girlfriend, so yeah. And I don't want her anywhere near you. You're a bitch." I head down the driveway and toward school.
"Girlfriend? You hardly know her. She's been in town like a month and you can do way better than some hermit weirdo that no one knows shit about. What is wrong with you? You're from the single most prominent family in town and you date nobodies and idiots."
"Yeah, and you're from the same prominent family and have a barely-there GPA and spread your legs for anything with blood flow. Don't tell me how to live my life. At least Dad doesn't have to use his pull with people to cover up my constant fuck-ups the way he does yours."
"Excuse me if I'm trying to live my life as opposed to walking in Mommy and Daddy's footsteps like you, Mr. Perfect."
She pulls her phone back out and I'm happy when she starts texting someone and shuts the hell up. Darcy seriously needs to get her priorities straight. My dad and I spend enough time each year fixing her fuck-ups, but this year, I'm not wasting time on her.
Whatever trouble Darcy gets in, she's going to have to get herself out. I don't have time for it. She's going to end up with AIDS or pregnant before she finishes college, and that's assuming she even gets into college.
When we pull into my parking spot, Myra is waiting in front of it. Ugh. I forgot she and Darcy are still friends. Thankfully, I haven't been home as much as usual thanks to spending so much time with Lena. We get out of the car and Myra walks over and puts her arms around my waist.
"Hey, sexy. How you been?"
I reach behind my back and grab her wrists, removing her hands from me and pushing her back some. "I'm fine."
She goes to move toward me again just as Jackson comes up next to me. "Myra, give it a rest. If he hasn't got back with you in two years, it's never going to happen."
"Screw you, Jackson." She steps back and puts her hands on her hips.
"I have a girlfriend," I say, walking to the trunk of the car to grab my bag. "But even if I didn't, I still wouldn't be interested.”
Both their mouths drop open.
"D, you're holding out! What happened?" Jackson puts his arm over my shoulder, his eyes alight with curiosity.
"Not much to tell. I asked, Lena said yes. Pretty simple."
He squeezes my head in his bicep and hunches me over as he messes up my hair. "Dude, I envy you. She's so hot. And she's smarter than you! Ha! This year is gonna be so much fun. You guys can double date with me and Candice now."
We walk toward the school and I leave Myra, face red with her hands on her hips, cussing furiously with Darcy. It makes me laugh. No doubt Darcy texted her on the way to school and set that whole thing up to see if I was serious about Lena. Sucks for them. There's no way I'm letting my sister and her stupid friends mess this up for me.