Page 20 of #Lovestrong
Ican't wait to see Lena again. We compared schedules this morning, and though we've got homeroom, lunch, and study hall together, we only have one actual class together. I met and walked with her between classes all morning, but I need to see her for more than five minutes. I don't even understand how I miss her when I'm in class, and usually nothing comes before my studies, but I've been distracted all day.
"D, man. Hello," Jackson says, snapping his fingers in front of my face.
I blink several times and look over at him. He and I have almost every class together except a few, and he's hounded me all damn day about Lena. I keep dodging questions because she and I aren't together. At least, not how he thinks, but he won't believe that. Problem with Jackson is, once he sets his mind on knowing something, he's like a private investigator. The dude just doesn't quit.
"What, man?" I shake my head and glance at the clock. Two more minutes until the lunch bell.
Why does time move so slowly when I’m in a hurry?
"Come on, man. You gotta give me something. You been MIA for like two weeks. Show up on the first day all wrapped in this hot ass girl I ain't seen before. Now, you all tight-lipped and won't say shit. Just give me something!" He feigns falling out of his chair before sitting up and rolling his eyes.
It's hard to keep the smile from my face. "There's nothing to tell you, man. She's a friend."
"A friend, huh? That little kiss she gave you in the car didn't look like just a friend to me. You know if Myra sees that shit, oh man, it's gonna be a cat fight."
Now, I roll my eyes. "Myra and I broke up sophomore year, man. Why would she care?"
"Uh, duh. She's been trying to get back with you ever since then. That girl got jealousy that runs deep."
Shaking my head, I tap my thumb on the desk as the clock ticks down the last minute. "Look, maybe if you could keep your mouth shut, I'd tell you that I'm digging this girl so much I'm about to ditch you during lunch for the first time since third grade."
His mouth drops open just as the bell rings. I scoop up my books and hustle from the room. Lena's class is a two-minute walk from mine, and I make it to the door quicker than that. It's still closed, so her teacher hasn't let them go yet. I lean up against a locker, more impatient than I've ever been.
When the door finally opens, I try to stay still and not hover. She walks out with a large textbook in her hands, talking to a blonde-haired girl in skimpy designer clothes. My stomach drops.
Of all the people to try and make friends with her.
"Baby," I say loudly over the roar of the students in the hallway.
She looks up and around for a moment, her eyes finally falling on me. She smiles widely, her eyes lighting up, and my heart stops. She's so beautiful, and it makes my pulse thump when she looks at me like that.
From the corner of my eye, I see Myra following Lena's gaze, her mouth hanging open slightly as she follows next to Lena, who's walking directly to me.
To hell with Myra. She and I have been over for forever in my book.
As Lena stops in front of me, I can't wait any longer. I reach out and cup the side of her neck, gently pulling her body against mine. She doesn't resist in the slightest, and wraps her free arm around my waist, letting me hug her against my chest.
After a moment, she steps back, but only enough that she can look up into my face. "We have lunch next, right?"
"Yes, we do."
"Well, it was great meeting you, Lena. See you tomorrow," Myra says, reaching out to touch Lena's shoulder.
"You too. See you tomorrow," Lena says politely.
Once I know Myra is out of ear shot, I reach down and lace my fingers with Lena's. All my impatience and irritation melts away with the soft feel of her skin against mine. "I should probably warn you that Myra and I dated."
Lean laughs as she turns and we start walking down the hallway. "Oh, I already know. She's not shy about who she has been with in the least bit."
The hall is almost empty, so I tug on her hand so she'll stop walking. "I said we dated. Myra's been around, but I never slept with her."
Lena's eyes go wide a little and she tilts her head slightly to the side. "That's not how she made it sound."
"I don't care how she makes it sound. I've only dated a few girls since middle school and I've never slept with any. Just for the record."