Page 57 of Flare
“You mean everything Callie already knows?”
“That, and whatever else there is.”
I swallow. “Maybe I’d better put some coffee on.”
“Yeah. Coffee, definitely. In the meantime, how’d you like to go to London?”
“You really want me to go with you?”
“Of course I do. Have you ever been there?”
I roll my eyes. “You’re talking to Rory Pike, Brock. I’ve never been anywhere, except a few trips to New York for auditions back in the day.”
“Then I’d love for you to come with me.”
“But I have work. Students.”
“Didn’t you just say you were going to a gig with your brother next weekend or something?”
I open my mouth, and then I close it.
“You didn’t have any problem taking a break from your lessons when that was the issue,” he says.
“I probably can’t go. I did tell him I’d do the gig.”
“But first you told him you wouldn’t do the gig.”
“It’s all a big mess,” I say. “Maybe I’ll go. Maybe I won’t.”
“All right.” He draws in a breath. “Here’s what we’ll do. I have to go to London. And I have to go soon. As soon as I get the information from Dale, I need to get in contact with this old man in London. Ennis Ainsley. I need to tell him that we’re going to come see him, that we have some questions. I need to do that as soon as I can, which means I have to tell my father that I’ll be leaving for several days, and Rory, I really want to do this, and I really want you to go with me.”
“I understand whyyouwant to go.”
“Do you?”
“Of course I do. Even though it has to do with… Actually, whatdoesit have to do with?”
“It’s family stuff. More family bullshit. And I will tell you everything.”
“Still,” I say, “it’s a trip to London. Which in its own way is kind of an escape from everything else that’s going on.”
“I’d love to go with you. I’d love to see London. But will there even be time for that? You’re going on business.”
“Sweetheart, I will make the time to show you all the sights in London. That I can promise you.”
“All right. Jesse’s going to kill me.”
“Why? Because you’re doing the whole push me, pull you thing?”
“Push me, pull you? Is that fromDr. Doolittle?”
“Yep. One of my favorite books as a kid.”
“You’re kidding. Mine too.”
“Makes total sense for me because I love animals. Why for you?”