Page 56 of Flare
“You sure?” Dale asks.
“Yeah. I’m pretty sure. I’ll take Rory with me.”
“Have you told Rory everything?”
“No… But I’d like to. With your permission of course.”
“You’ve got mine,” Donny says. “I let Callie in on everything without even checking with you guys first, so I won’t stand in your way.”
“You’re truly serious about her?” Dale asks.
I regard her as she sits across from me, her beautiful brown eyes heavy-lidded, and her lovely lips in a soft smile.
“Yeah. Totally. Believe me, I’m as surprised as you are. Plus, she’s Callie’s sister. The Pikes are good people. She can be trusted.”
Rory lifts her eyebrows at me.
“In fact, she’s sitting right here. At my table.”
“At five in the morning?” Donny says.
“Yeah. I’m not sure why she’s up.”
“I had a dream,” Rory says.
“Apparently she had a dream that woke her,” I tell them.
“All right,” Dale says. “You and Rory go to London. Find out what you can from Ennis Ainsley. In the meantime, I’ll talk to Uncle Ryan about it. He knew Ennis well.”
“All right.” I sigh and run my fingers through my already messed-up hair. “Anything else?”
“You mean other than all the other bullshit we’ve got going on?” Donny says.
“That’s exactly what I mean. After all, just when you think it can’t get any hairier…”
“It does,” Dale says. “It always fucking does.”
“Send me all the documents you got from the guy about bones,” I say. “And anything else you have on this Ennis Ainsley and Patricia Watson.”
“Will do. They’ll be in your email within a few minutes.”
“All right.” I draw in a breath. “I guess I’m going to London.”
I drop my jaw.
I guess I’m going to London.
Why the heck is Brock going to London?
He ends the call and meets my gaze. “So how much of that did you actually understand?”
“The part where you said you and I were in a relationship.” I smile as the warmth of a sheepskin blanket envelops me. “Other than that… I have no clue what you’re talking about.”
“Well… You’re going to wish you didn’t after we get on with the conversation. I have my cousins’ permission to tell you everything.”