Page 134 of Cruel Abandon (Fallen Royals 5)
Who knew having girlfriends could be so embarrassing?
Or maybe it’s just because I’m new to this whole friend thing. Even in high school, hanging out with Riley and Parker, we didn’t dive into deeper topics. Why would we, with everything else going on?
“So it’s serious, then?” Margo contemplates me. “I know you’ve known Liam a lot longer than I have, so just take this with a grain of salt. He means a lot to Caleb. And I know you mean a lot to Riley, too. For your friendship.”
I nod.
“I hope you two can find happiness.” She smiles, then stands. “I think they boys have had their time alone long enough. Let’s join them.”
“I’ll be down soon,” I say.
They leave, closing the door behind them, and I hurriedly shove the rest of my things into my bag. On a last-minute whim, I slide one of my journals in along with my belongings. Just in case.
Then… well, there’s nothing left to do except face the music.
I head downstairs. Riley, Margo, and Caleb are on the couch. Eli perches on the armrest right above Riley. Theo occupies one of the chairs, Liam in the other.
Liam stands and grins at me, motioning me closer. “Did you enjoy your girl talk?” he whispers.
I press my lips together. I confessed we had sex and then Margo told us she was pregnant—I’m not sure if it was strictly enjoyable, but it was memorable. And maybe a bit trusting on both my end and Margo’s.
He kisses my forehead. “You seem… shell-shocked.”
“I am.”
Liam pulls me farther into the room, sitting on the chair and guiding me to his lap.
I don’t think my face can get any hotter.
“So, Skylar’s managed to bewitch you, huh?” Eli asks. “About damn time.”
I roll my eyes. “I didn’t do anything special.”
“She did.” Liam wraps his arm around my waist.
Maybe he can tell I’d rather escape back up to my room, or the car. Flee back to Boston. It doesn’t seem real. The sex, the protectiveness, the relationship aspect of this. We went from enemies to our current predicament way too fast.
Way, way too fast.
I blink, but my vision has tunneled. I don’t know who spoke.
I shove off Liam and bolt.
We all watch Skylar go.
A small part of me hopes that she’ll go for the stairs. She’ll be easier to catch that way, cornered in her room, or the attic, or bathroom. Easier to show her that I meant what I just said: she did bewitch me.
I don’t mean it in a bad way.
She found the cracks in my armor and maneuvered herself inside my heart.