Page 249 of Dirty Bad Box Set (Book 1-3)
The Devonshire Arms was a goth bar, and a hardcore one at that. We met Raven in the entrance, looking as exotic as ever, pulling Cara into a tight squeeze and peppering her face with kisses.
“The lovely Gemma,” she exclaimed, warmly. “Nice to see you again so soon.”
“Gemma got laid,” Cara shared. “The chatline guy.”
“Hey, hot stuff,” Raven smiled. “That calls for a celebratory drink.”
I was inclined to agree with her. Cara went off for a round of snakebite and blacks while Raven led me to a theatrical-looking alcove in the corner. It was strung with fake cobwebs, its seats carved like big old thrones. Quite a place.
“Was he everything you hoped?” she quizzed.
“Everything and more,” I admitted. “I’ve never felt like that before.”
“What am I missing?” Cara asked, handing out the drinks. “I want in on all the gory details.”
“I was just telling Raven that Jason surpassed my expectations.”
“Take it from the top,” she said. “I want to know everything.”
I was glad, as I was just as keen to spill every sordid little detail.
They listened without interruptions, making all the right noises in all the right places, and allowing me to gush to my heart’s content about the crazy talents of the crazy mystery trucker from Surrey. For once I felt normal in my insanity, unhindered by disapproval. It felt nice.
Their verdict was unexpected, but welcome.
“Go for it,” Cara said. “If you think he’s for real.”
“Just make sure you’re safe,” Raven added. “Safe, sane and fully consensual. They’re the magic words.”
“I feel pretty safe,” I said. “And it’s entirely consensual. It’s the sane thing I’m not quite so sure about.”
“Why don’t you bring him to Explicit?” Cara asked. “You could become a member. You don’t have to do any of the BDSM stuff if you don’t want to, but at least we could keep an eye on things, make sure you’re ok. Could be fun.”
“I could ask him,” I said. “One day.”
“One day soon I hope,” Cara smiled. “It would be awesome.”
“And sensible,” Raven added. “Especially if he wants to get other people involved. Always helps to be part of a friendly crowd.”
It was certainly food for thought.
Tasty food, at that.
April’s face was like a slapped arse when I got through the door. She folded her arms and scowled at me, stalking me through to the kitchen.
“Well?” she spat. “Where the fuck have you been?”
“It’s my rest day. I was resting.”
“I sent you messages.”
“And I didn’t see them in time.” I made myself a coffee, and made the bitch one too. I didn’t even get a thanks.