Page 248 of Dirty Bad Box Set (Book 1-3)
If I hadn’t wanted to see Cara so badly, I’d definitely have given pole a miss. I was practically limping, insides all mushed up from my epic fuck. I hoped they’d go back to normal, sooner rather than later.
The rest of the ladies gave it their all, while I did my best to smile and look like I was trying. I caught Cara’s eyeline throughout the class, her chocolate stare curious and quizzical.
She collared me when the room had cleared, just like I hoped.
“Something tells me you saw your mystery caller,” she smiled.
“That obvious?” I beamed.
“Either that or you’ve given birth recently,” she laughed. “My money’s on rough sex. I’d know the limp anywhere.”
“I’m really bloody limping,” I admitted, plonking myself down on a bench at the sidelines. “It was hardcore.”
“What on earth did he do to you? Bring a busload of mates along with him?”
“Not this time,” I joked. Only it wasn’t a joke. Not really. I tingled at the thought. “He managed to do a pretty good job on his own, in all fairness.”
Her eyes sparkled with something I couldn’t read. “Did he hit you? Spank you, I mean?”
“No. Just fucked me. Hard. With the help of big purple.”
“Big purple?”
“My vibrator.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Ahh... double penetration. Was it your first time?”
“Kind of,” I admitted. “I hope it’s not my last.”
Her eyes were warm. “If he’s glowing half as much as you are, I seriously doubt it will be. You’re on fire, Firecracker. Whatever the guy did, he got you good.”
“It was crazy stupid. He could have been anyone.”
“Yes, he could. Luckily he wasn’t.”
“You escaped unscathed,” she giggled. “Well, largely unscathed. You’ll be right as rain in a few days.”
“You think?”
“I know.”
My mind whizzed back to Club Explicit and all the crazy things I’d seen. “Is that the kind of stuff you do? At that club?”
“We do BDSM at the club,” she said. “I’ve been known to enjoy a bit of double penetration. Raven will sometimes crack out a double strap-on, if I’ve been a very, very naughty girl.”
The image of Raven pegging Cara with a double strap-on brought a fresh rush of tingles and my clit pulsed hot. Jesus! “It’s so refreshing,” I admitted. “To be able to talk, you know? My friends would have me sectioned if they had half a chance.”
“Maybe you have the wrong friends.”
“They are myonlyfriends.”
“Not anymore.” She squeezed my elbow. “I think you need an ear, Figi, let’s go.”
“Figi?” I laughed. “Firecracker Gem? I like it.”
“You’ll like the Devonshire Arms, as well,” she smiled. “It’s only round the corner.”