Page 15 of General Joe (Magnolia Ridge 2)
“I’ve calmed down.” I kiss Sophie’s head again.
“You staged a picket outside of the Piggly Wiggly a few months ago because they stopped selling the beef jerky you like.”
“I got it back, didn’t I?” I say smugly.
I was eight months pregnant and they stopped carrying my favorite craving. It was cruel and I let them know it. It also didn’t look so good with two pregnant girls marching back and forth in front of their store. Okay, I marched, Barbie sat in a lawn chair since her feet were really swollen. Thank god they went back to a normal size because I was worried there for a second.
Joe only chuckles. He came down and made me quit, but I was surprised it took him so long to get there. I thought he’d be there a few minutes after I arrived with the signs, but it took him two hours before he showed up and told me to get my sexy ass in the truck. I huffed about it, but when I got in the truck I saw why it took him two hours. He’d gone to the city and bought the jerky from every place he could find it. I was stocked up for months, but I still got the town of Magnolia Springs their jerky back because I wasn’t sharing my stash.
“Come kiss our baby girl goodbye. I want to get to Pappy’s before they run out of wings and I have to break out my signs and start another picket.”
Joe comes over and takes Sophie from my arms. He kisses her chubby cheeks before handing her over to Dad.
“I love you, baby girl, but I love wings too.” Joe snags my hand and pulls me out of the house before I can go in for more kisses. I tend to get a little carried away. This is the first time we’re leaving her for more than a couple hours. Dad will pop over almost every day and watch her while I wash clothes or run to the store or something. Tonight we are going out to dinner and then home for some uninterrupted alone time.
“She’s fine,” Joe says, and I’m not sure if he’s reassuring me or himself as we make our way to the truck.
“I know. Dad raised me and look how great I turned out.” I give Joe a giant overdone smile.
“Right.” He lifts me by my hips and puts me into the truck.
“I’m glad we agree on that,” I say when he hops in and we take off.
“Maybe we’ll make another one tonight.”
“After my wings.” I point at him. He better not be taking a detour before dinner.
“After your wings,” he agrees as he drives to the small bar that sits on the edge of town. I’m out the truck door before he barely gets it parked and he comes after me.
“I’m going to spank your ass if you’re not careful.”
“You can do anything you want to my ass after I eat.” A few people turn and look our way. “Hey, Larry!” I wave and he glares at me just like he always does. “I see you’re chipper as ever.”
Joe snakes his arm around me and pulls me to him. I know I’m going to be in trouble for talking about ass play, but he started it with the spanking comment. It’s not my fault my voice carries.
Larry opens his mouth like he wants to say something but closes it quickly since Joe is here. Your husband being the chief of police really has its perks. I have no doubt Joe is giving Larry a dirty look right now.
He pulls the door open and takes me over to a booth. I slip my coat off and hear Joe growl. “Bunny.”
“What?” I pretend to be innocent as I drop down into my seat. “I only just fit into this skirt again.” The baby weight is almost off and it’s the one from the night he took my virginity. The same night we made Sophie.
“I thought I ruined it.” He sits down in the booth across from me but keeps his glare. He did ruin it, but I ordered another one online.
The server walks up to our table, saving me from answering Joe. I don’t recognize the guy so he must be new.
“Hey, I’m Logan.” He introduces himself to me.
“I’m Kayla.” I start to offer my hand but Joe grabs it.
“I’m the husband,” Joe cuts in.
“Right.” Logan doesn’t even look Joe’s way. “What can I get you?”
“Root beer in the bottle with two dozen wings.”
“Same,” Joe clips, not sounding as excited about the wings as me.
“Any sauce?”
“Nope.” I reach into my purse, pulling out a bottle of ranch, and Joe shakes his head. “What? Their ranch sucks.” I look to Logan. “Don’t tell Pappy I said that.”
“I promise.” He winks at me before turning to leave.