Page 14 of General Joe (Magnolia Ridge 2)
I glance over at Chief and see him wiping away tears as they approach the altar. We know he’s just as happy as we are too, but we’ve all got Ben and his wife in the back of our minds. I think today is hitting him hard, but soon we’ll be celebrating and there won’t be time for tears.
Without thinking, I step forward and pull Chief into a hug. “I’ve got her now, but we’re not going anywhere,” I whisper to him, and I feel his arms come around my back.
“Thank you, son,” he says to me and I hear him breathe a sigh of relief.
I pat him on the back and then lean back to look at him and see he’s finally got a smile on his face. He turns to Kayla and kisses her on the cheek before he steps back and answers the minister’s question about giving the bride away.
Finally I have a hold of Kayla and I tighten my grip on her. “You’re not getting away ever again.”
“My feet are firmly planted next to yours.” She winks at me and before I can stop myself I lean forward and give her a kiss.
Kayla giggles and I hear the minister clear his throat and lean towards us. “That part comes later.”
“Just making sure it sticks,” I say as I straighten up and wink back at Kayla.
The minister talks about love and commitment while we exchange vows and rings. I don’t hear much of it because I’m too distracted by Kayla. She’s glowing right in front of me, and I swear I think she’s already pregnant. We won’t know for another week if she is for sure, but I have my suspicions.
“You may kiss the bride.”
The words snap me out of my daydream and I scoop Kayla up in my arms. Her bouquet goes flying as she wraps her arms around me and the crowd erupts into cheers when I plant a kiss on her that is probably better reserved for our bedroom. In that moment though I don’t have one single care because now she’s mine, and I want everyone in this town to damn well know it.
Music begins to play and the guests begin to mingle while we make our way over to the tent we had set up for the reception.
“I can’t believe it,” Kayla whispers to me as we stand in the gazebo for a second just taking a moment alone.
“It’s about time.”
She playfully slaps my chest and shakes her head. “About time? It’s been two weeks. You’re lucky I didn’t make you wait any longer.”
“Please, there’s no way you could have waited.” I put my hand on her hip and then trace my thumb over her belly. “Any longer and we might risk you showing.”
I wink at her and she shrugs. “Like you wouldn’t have been happy to have the whole town see me knocked up.”
“I plan on putting you on a parade float just as soon as I can. I’m ready to let all the men in town know to keep away from what’s mine.” I look around with a glare and Kayla laughs.
She grabs my face and turns me to look at her. “I am yours, today more than ever.” She goes up on her tiptoes and I lean down halfway to meet her lips. “Now let’s go. I’m ready to cut that cake.”
I pick her up again and carry her out of the gazebo and into the tent. The dancing has already started and we are swept up in it with the crowd. People are laughing and having a great time, and I see Barbie and Shaw slow dancing in the corner. They can’t keep their hands off each other, but I can’t say I don’t know how that feels with my woman.
If it were up to me I would have eloped, but seeing Kayla do the electric slide with Chief while holding a plate filled with wedding cake is not only one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen, but the sweetest.
We spend the whole night laughing and dancing and it’s more perfect than I could have planned. It’s everything she ever wanted and that’s all I ever want to give her.
One year later…
“Are you going to be good for Grandpa?” I ask my little Sophie-bug. She opens one eye and peeks up at me before she opens the other and gives me a big gummy smile. “It’s okay if you want to give him hell.”
“I think I can handle a little girl that likes to cause trouble,” Dad says dryly.
He’s freshly retired now and Joe took his place at the station. Now Dad can babysit whenever I need him to, not that I’ve been willing to give Sophie up for long. I always knew motherhood and being a wife was my calling, and since getting married and having a baby, it’s come true.