Page 33 of The Prodigy
"Hi,sorellina," he says, his deep voice soft.
I fly down the stairs, flinging myself against his chest. He catches me in a fierce hug, his arms closing around me. For the first time ever, I hug my brother, bawling.
"Where is your aunt,sorellina?" Domani asks, glancing around the living room once we finally make it inside. "Did she not wish to meet me?"
"Oh, she wished," Finn mutters beneath his breath, making Giant laugh. As soon as Aunt Ophelia found out about Domani, she was completely on board with having a new addition to the family, especially one in the mafia. She said she could use some muscle in this family to take care of a few things. Finn and I quickly agreed that she didnotneed to be here for this meeting.
God only knows what she wants Domani totake care offor her…or who. Knowing our luck, it'd be someone high up in the government or some foreign dignitary. Or Pat Sajak. She's been holding a grudge against him since she didn't make it onto Wheel of Fortune in the nineties. Regardless of her plans for my brother, they will not be bearing fruit. I'd much prefer for my aunt to live out the rest of her life here at home, not starting riots in super-max.
With her, anything is possible.
"She's at dialysis," I say quietly.
"She's ill," Domani says.
I nod. "Renal failure."
Sympathy flashes across his face. "I'm sorry,piccolina."
"Me too," I murmur. "But don't count her out just yet. She may outlive us all. She's a warrior."
"True story," Giant says. "I want to be half as badass as she is when I grow up."
"God save us all," Finn says from beside me. "That's just what this town needs."
Giant flips him off.
Domani watches them with interest from his seat on the couch and then shifts his gaze in my direction. "I brought you something, Scarlett," he says quietly, reaching into his jacket. He pulls out a thick manila envelope. "I'd hoped to convince you to come back to Chicago with me, but I can see that's not going to happen."
"Fuck no, it's not," Finn growls, tensing beside me. He pulls me closer, as if he intends to physically prevent Domani from convincing me to leave Silver Spoon Falls with him. "She's staying right here with me."
"You want me to go back to Chicago with you?" I ask quietly, surprised.
Domani shrugs, giving me a small smile. I think they're rare for him. He's intense, serious. Perhaps because of what he does, perhaps because of who he is. I'm not sure. But he holds himself apart, keeps his cards close to his vest. I think he's lonely though. And that's something I understand all too well. Before I moved here, I thought loneliness would eat me alive.
"You're family," he says. "I protect my family."
"Thank you," I whisper. "And for the offer. But this is my home. This is where I belong."
"I can see that," he murmurs. "Here." He stretches across the coffee table, holding the envelope out toward me. "This is for you."
I hesitate and then reach out, taking it from him. It's thick with papers. "What is it?"
"Photos of Silvia." His eyes meet mine. "I thought you might like to have them."
"Domani," I whisper, stunned. My gaze falls to the envelope. My hands shake as I slit the tape holding it closed and then reach in, pulling out a sheaf of papers and a handful of photographs. Finn takes the papers, allowing me to go through the photographs.
"You look like her," he whispers.
Tears blur my vision as I run my fingers over an old photo. It's like a version of me that I've never met smiles up at me. We share the same hair, the same round face, the same smile. I flip through each photograph, awed as I get to know my biological mom for the first time. "She was so beautiful," I whisper. "She looks so young."
"She was young." Domani scowls. "Our father was an unscrupulous bastard."
"Did she… Was she…happy when she died?" I whisper.
"Yeah,piccolina," he says. "She was happy. She found a good man and a measure of peace. She never forgot you, but she was happy."
Finn thumbs a tear from my cheek.