Page 32 of The Prodigy
I smack him in the chest with my free hand. "I'm serious, Finn!" I cry, glaring at him. "What if he doesn't like me? What if he decides he doesn't want to stay in touch with me? What if he thinks I'm a mess and he's better off not knowing me? What if–?"
He cuts me off with his lips on mine. His tongue sweeps into my mouth, tangling with mine. I moan, my body temperature spiking to volcanic levels. Every last worry vanishes in a puff of smoke, unable to stand when he's kissing me like he intends to steal the taste from my lips and make it his own.
"If he doesn't love you on sight, he's not worthy of calling himself your brother," he says, tucking me up against his chest when he breaks away, leaving me panting and dazed. "If he thinks he's better off not knowing you, he's an idiot who deserves whatever miserable existence he ekes out. If he thinks you're a mess, he's right. But you're the most beautiful damn mess he'll ever have the good fortune to know, pretty baby."
"Finn," I whisper, melting against the hard wall of his chest.
"It's true. He'll love you, pretty baby. Anyone lucky enough to know you loves you. Besides, you've been talking and texting and FaceTiming each other for a week already. He loves you already, Scarlett. Now, you two just get to spend time in the same room for once," he murmurs.
"You're being suspiciously calm about this."
"Do I have a choice?" he grumbles.
His long-suffering sigh leaves me fighting a smile. Since finding out that my brother is in the mafia, Finn has been a grumpy beast. I don't think it's the fact that my brother is a criminal that bothers him—I'm pretty sure he's broken a few laws himself even though he keeps pleading the fifth like his MC brother, Jude, anytime I ask him about that. I think he's annoyed about the possibility of me spending time around other mafioso. Finn doesn't like the thought of sharing me with the same men I read about.
He's worried for nothing. Wild horses couldn't drag me away from my super-spy, let alone a Made man. They may be fun to read about, but they aren't who I want. The only man who holds my heart is the one wrapped around me like my own personal security blanket. He's my world, and nothing will ever change that.
I am excited to meet Domani, though. We've talked a lot over the last week. It's a little surreal to know that I have a brother. My whole life, I wanted siblings. When I learned that I was adopted, I always hoped that someone out there shared the same blood pumping through my veins. But I never thought I'd actually get to meet them. Domani looks like me…or I look like him, I guess. I'm Italian-American.
My biological mom, Silvia, was Domani's nanny. She and his father—ourfather—had an affair, and she got pregnant with me. Our father fired her on the spot, leaving her no choice but to give me up. Domani says she was an amazing woman, and that she would have wanted me very much. I don't think he's very happy with our father for the choices he made. He's angry at him for them, which is understandable. I'm not angry. It's hard to conjure that emotion for someone I never met. I'm sad for Silvia and for Domani. I wish I'd gotten to meet Silvia before she died. I wish I'd known Domani existed before now.
But I had the best life possible, with two parents who loved me beyond reason. It's strange but knowing what I know now put my childhood into perspective in a way I never expected. Sure, being bullied sucked. But how much worse would it have been to grow up in a mafia family, bound by silence and secrets? If I didn't fit in with normal kids, I doubt I would have fit in any better with mafia kids. I'm oddly okay with that.
For once, I feel like I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be. Silver Spoon Falls is my home. The people who love me are my family. At Finn's side is where I belong. It doesn't matter if I'm a mess. I'mhismess, and he loves me just the way I am. Besides, he's kind of a mess too. Not in the same way I am, obviously. But he's a little bit awkward and nerdy and ridiculous too. They don't make him any less. In fact, they make him so much more.
A tap on the front door sends my heart slamming against my ribcage.
Giant pokes his head inside. "They're here," he says.
"Fuck," Finn growls, tensing.
Anxiety churns through me, turning my breakfast into a ball of lead in my stomach. I breathe through it, clinging to Finn's hand like it's a lifeline. So long as he's by my side, I can get through this. I can get through anything.
"It's just him and Silas," Giant says.
Finn jerks his head in a nod, relaxing slightly. I think he expected Domani to bring the entire organization with him to meet me. He has his brothers situated all over the neighborhood like they're prepared for an invasion. It's overkill, really. But he's in beast mode and there's no convincing him that he's being irrational. When it comes to my safety, I think he may always be a little bit nuts. My manreallydoesn't like that Silas made me cry.
"You ready to go out and meet him, pretty baby?" he asks me.
"No. I mean yes. I mean no."
Finn smiles at me, cupping my cheek in his palm. His dark green eyes settle on mine, his forehead resting against mine. "He's going to love you, Scarlett Crawford from Gatsby Books. Trust me."
I do trust him, more than anything.
So I take a deep breath and nod.
He runs his lips across my forehead in a tender kiss and then leads me outside to the front porch, Giant following behind us. Silas pulls into Aunt Ophelia's driveway in his town car. Domani's in the passenger seat, crammed in like a sardine in a too-tiny can. Whoa. He's a lot bigger in person, almost as massive as Giant.
Silas kills the engine.
The passenger door opens, and my brother climbs from the car.
His hazel eyes meet mine.
For a moment, I don't even breathe. We have the same eyes. I knew it, of course. He's sent me pictures of himself, and I've seen him on FaceTime. But seeing him in person is different. For the first time in my life, I'm breathing the same air as someone with my eyes…as someone who shares my blood.