Page 12 of All Night Long
“Ha, I’m not worried about men. Tonight is for me not to think about men, period.” She grabs her purse after putting on her chunky heels, telling me it’s time to go.
“We’ll see about that.” I toss my phone, license, credit card, and keys into my wristlet.
“Whatever. The Lyft is here,” she states, dropping the conversation as we leave my apartment and head towards the parking lot. I leave the whole whatever comment alone because something tells me there’s more than meets the eye when it comes to her talking to Mace.
“Things goinggood with you and Celeste?” Nico asks. We’ve talked business, looked at the numbers, how much the casino is helping the Donotello famiglia. It’s doing better than I expected. The same could be said for Nico and his father. The proof was in the pudding, and judging by how well it’s working, we came up with a plan. Three years, that’s all it’s going to take for them to recoup the money they gave me along with the interest that was steeper than any credit card interest rate you could think of. It was worth it, to see how well it’s going, a week after opening. A simple trade. The money laundering sticks to the casino side and the casino only. Since there’s a bank on property, an absolute necessity for a hotel of this caliber, it was easy planning for all of us involved. The next thing I knew, Emilio was asking if I’d like to stay in business with the famiglia even longer, a fact they’d like. It would mean I’d profit a shit ton more. The gray matter, what I’d like to call it, has me stewing over it for the time being. It’s one thing to launder it and not make a profit off it in a misconstrued way of thinking, another for me to be a bigger part of it.
“Things are going great. I was with her last night, and if I play my cards right, I’ll be with her tonight. That’s if shit doesn’t hit the fan tonight when shift change happens in the security department.” I take a breath, pissed more and more with what I didn’t see coming by a long shot. “I’m going to have to replace Terry sooner rather than later. So, yeah, if you got a guy or an in with another business entity, I’m all for it.” Nico raises both eyebrows, elbows on the arms of the chair. The hackles on my neck have been raised for a while when it comes to Terry, and this week along with today is only making it worse.
“I’ll talk to Pops. He may know someone who’s not entrenched with the family. What did Terry do this time?” I thought we were turning a corner when he kept an open line of communication with me. Then, when he had not one but two security guards call out today, I knew something was up.
“Not sure. I’m hoping to get to the truth of the matter tomorrow. Something about Terry calling and telling two guys it wasn’t their day to work even though the system said otherwise. I figured things out when I got an email from one and a call from the other. Fucking pain in my ass is what it’s becoming. Of course, my phone doesn’t fucking stop ringing. So, I didn’t see it until it was too late. When I questioned Terry, he made it out like they were a no-call, no-show.” Talking about it and thinking about it is still pissing me off. I’m about to move Pierre away from Monica and make him my personal assistant instead of hers, then maybe shit won’t be falling by the wayside. There’s nothing worse than missing calls, texts, and voicemails. It’s another thing to be so bogged down that filtering out the emergencies versus the non-emergencies makes it worse. Why I ever thought I could do this without an assistant, I have no clue. Fucking fool. That’s who thought that.
“I’ll work on that tomorrow, then,” Nico offers, standing up and buttoning his suit jacket. Tonight wasn’t one for pleasantries and drinking a glass of bourbon or having dinner as old friends. It was all about business. Still is, even though he asked about Celeste.
“I’d appreciate that more than you know. If not, I’m going to hire a headhunter to find one. This fucker, he can’t stay in this position much longer, and once I hear the other guys out, if I’m right with what my gut tells me, I’ll be the one escorting him out of the building.” We walk towards my office door. Nico has to go back to work, and I’m heading towards the club that’s in the South Tower. The security cameras had me clocked onto Celeste and what I know now is her friend Tyra, the reason she was so melancholy last night when I stepped into her spa.
“Let me know. I have no problem helping muscle that dickhead out of here,” Nico responds as we make our way out of my office. With any luck, I won’t be returning tonight either.
My hands areabove my head, hips are shaking. Tyra is in front of me, both of us dancing to the beat of a song. The deejay is playingJust A Lil Bitby 50 Cent thrumming through the speakers. There isn’t a care in the world for either of us, and after the week my best friend has had, she deserves it. We decided to grab food on our way here. Consuming carbs before drinking is always a good idea, helping to curb the hangover that would surely come tomorrow had we started on an empty stomach. We’ve done that a few times in our younger years, too stupid for common sense. Clearly, we’ve gained some knowledge as well as smarts.
“Celeste!” Tyra yells over the music. I move closer so she’ll have a voice tomorrow.
“What’s up?” I reply, not having to scream, thankfully. Tyra has her phone in her hand. It’s lit up. The amount of texts Mace has sent her is astounding.
“I have to go. Not sure what’s up, only that Von spiked a fever. Mace can’t get it down no matter what. I’m going to grab a car and head to his place,” she states. I must have really been in my element, eyes closed, hips swaying, and enjoying the music.
“I’ll go with you. Let’s go cash out.” I’m already grabbing her hand to guide us through the throng of people on the dance floor.
“No, you stay, enjoy your night. Text me no matter what, though, okay?” I stop. We have a buddy system. Leave no sister behind. There’s no way I want her walking through the lobby alone or waiting for a car.
“I’ll walk you out, see that you get into the Lyft, and then call Wylde.” She nods her head. Making our way through the people is easy. My eyes are on the bar. Usually, we wouldn’t start a tab, just pay as we go through the night, especially since it’s a more-than-one-club type of night.
“I think I’m about to have other plans for the night.” We’ve barely made it off the dance floor when he's standing before me, eyes locked on my form, sweeping his heated gaze from head to toe, his tongue slipping out to glide along his lower lip, a wicked grin tugging on his mouth.
“I’ll say. I’ll, uh, just leave you two be. Text me later.” I don’t let her pull away, though. No freaking way am I letting her walk out by herself no matter how busy and how safe it is.
“Wait.” It’s a statement, not left open for interpretation, and I hold on to her tighter because I know my best friend; her mind is on Von. Not that she could get hurt and never make it to him.
“Wylde, can you walk with us to grab her a car? Tyra needs to get to her car.” I hate that I’m breaking up the desire written all over his face, which once Tyra is settled will definitely be acted upon. It’s my turn to give Wylde a taste of what he’s given to me.
“What’s wrong?” he asks. His head moves to the guy beside him. One of the staff security guards, judging by the black shirt and black jeans, arms crossed and waiting to see what Wylde needs from him.
“Von is sick. She needs to get to him, but I won’t let her leave alone.” The laid-back man who was standing in front of me isn’t there any longer. The seriousness of this situation has all of us on edge, but no one as much as Tyra. She moves her hand into mine, squeezing it to let me know we’re wasting precious time.
“Sean, escort Tyra to a car. Make sure she’s in it and pay for the fare. Don’t leave her until you see the taillights. Tyra, text Celeste the minute you make it, so we know you’re safe and sound.” A sigh of relief leaves my body, knowing someone is taking the reins.
“Thank you, Mr. Hayes. Celeste, I’ll text you later. I’m hoping it’s a virus and something that will just run its course. Love you, girlie.” She pulls me in for a quick hug then walks towards Wylde and squeezes his arm.
“Call me Wylde, Tyra. Sean, don’t fuck around.” Wylde moves towards me. I watch until I can’t see my best friend, biting my lower lip, feeling bad that I’m not going with her. I know her enough to know to not push her when she’s in momma bear mode.