Page 11 of All Night Long
“Celeste.” My legs wrap around his waist, my core dragging up away from where I can feel his cock, chasing after the orgasm I so desperately need, not from my own hands this time at least.
“Don’t stop.” My lips return to his, our bodies working like two halves of a whole.
“You couldn’t pay me to stop.” He leans down to one forearm, the other hand sliding down, grabbing my ass, jerking me to the place I need. I’m in a deep lustful haze. My hand is still in his hair, the other underneath his jacket, wishing we were skin against skin.
“Oh God.” I press closer, grinding my hips and seeing nothing but bursts of stars beneath my closed eyelids. Wylde’s lips move to my neck. A light sucking sets me off, and I’m coming apart beneath his body.
“Fuck, that was pretty,” he murmurs, holding still, allowing me to catch my breath, not moving, thankfully. I keep my eyes closed, relishing this moment, letting him know without words and holding on to him instead, and he has no problem giving me this.
“Not as pretty as it felt.” My eyes flutter open. There’s a grin on his face, and his eyes are filled with pleasure. I instantly want him to feel as good as he’s made me feel.
A knock at the door has Wylde standing up, hand going out to help me. “I ordered Chinese during your small siesta. Figured you’d be hungry once you woke up.” My stomach is growling at the thought of the food on the other side of the door.
“Thanks, sweetheart. I’ll grab the food and pay you back for the dinner I was supposed to take you out for. Sorry about falling asleep on you. Promise I’ll make it up to you,” he states like I’m upset about the prospect of hanging at home, talking to him, and chowing down on an assortment of food.
“You’re welcome. It works out better this way, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, I guess so.” He grazes my lips with a kiss before he pulls away and answers the door. I’m giddy with happiness; it seems like the two of us are on the same page on a few things at least.
“Wow,it sounds like Wylde really has turned things around.” I convinced Tyra to come over after work today. It took a lot of finagling, but I pulled out the big guns and threatened to call her mom if she didn’t at least get out of the house after work. It’s too isolating for Tyra to sit around and mope, plus Von will be home tomorrow. I know, I know, shocker of all shocks that Mace kept their boy the entire time. In fact, he even took the time to send her pictures and FaceTime. Truthfully, I think that’s the only reason she’s here getting ready with me.
“They have. I’m still having those pinch-me moments thinking this is all a dream, plus there’s the fact that he’s technically still my boss, which you know doesn’t give me the warm fuzzies if word gets around.” We talked last night, for hours on end. How we both got started. He’s a completely different animal than how I started out in every sense of the word. It seemed anything Wylder Hayes touched turned to gold in the business industry. I had to go to school, work where I paid for a room at another spa, and saved every penny until I opened up Viva La Tranquilitá.
“I’d say that’s probably normal, wouldn’t you?” Tyra asks, standing next to me in my bathroom. We’re both doing our makeup, hers a dark smokey eye, bright red lips, and the dress she brought is beyond earth shattering. It’s a shame Mace fucked things up because Tyra is gorgeous, and her heart is even prettier. I’m going for a smudged eyeliner look, similar to a smokey eye but softer, highlighting my cheeks and jawline, finishing it off with a nude lip.
“Probably. Still, it’s worrisome. He did say he’d fix the whole handbook issue, too.” My hair is up in big Velcro rollers, attempting to get as much volume as possible before we head to the club. It will no doubt fall the second the two of us get on the dance floor. Tyra is being much smarter, putting her hair in curls, half of it up on the top of her head in a cute ponytail.
“I say go with it. Don’t live with regrets.” She turns away from the mirror, propping herself on the counter with one hip. God, I’d do anything to chase those shadows away from her.
“Listen, Tyra, I know you still love Mace. It’s okay and understandable; he’ll always be Von’s dad, but until he gets his head out of his ass and focuses on more than work, you did the right thing. Von didn’t need to see his mom always doing the work while Dad was gone, you running yourself ragged and taking on everything. You did the right thing.” It’s coming, I know it, she knows it. The second-guessing yourself if you made the right decision.
“Then why does it feel so wrong? We should all be together right now. Not that I don’t love spending time with you, it’s awesome and all, but nothing beats hanging out with the man who owns your soul and the son you made together.” There’s nothing else I can do besides set down the makeup in my hand and give the woman I love like she’s my own blood even if that means we both ruin our hard work a hug.
My arms are wrapped around her, and I’m ready to say, ‘Forget it, change into pajamas, and pig out the rest of the night.’ Not only does Tyra need to quit doing that, but I also know for a fact Wylde is at work tonight, and I plan on sneaking into his office at some point. My mind runs wild at the thought of dropping to my knees in front of his chair, opening up his what I’m sure is five-hundred-dollar pressed pants, hoping he goes sans underwear and is ready for my mouth to be wrapped around the length of his cock I’ve felt between my legs twice now. “Maybe this is him waking up, seeing the light of day. I’m not saying this to get your hopes up because we all know how that could turn out. I want the best for you and for Von. That was the least healthy relationship you could have been in at that time.” Her marriage wasn’t always like this; they were once the couple who did every single thing together. Then Von was born, Mace took a higher-paying job and well, life went by the wayside.
“I know, I know. I can’t help but miss it.” Tyra pulls away from my hug. I let her do that but hold her by the back of her forearms to look in her eyes. They’re red from holding the tears at bay.
“And that’s allowed. Now show me a picture of my favorite nephew. You know, if you’d rather back out, I’d understand. I may leave your ass here, though.” I wink, watching as she pulls in a deep breath, nods, and then swipes her phone off the bathroom counter. Talk about a tight squeeze.
“I’m going. I’ve spent the past two days at home. Von comes back tomorrow, and I at least want to have done something productive with my time even if it’s dancing the night away while drinking without spending a dollar.” Thankfully, Tyra is at least taking me up on treating her with her favorite drink of choice—green apple martini.
“That’s my girl,” I reply. My hands go to my hair, and I slowly pull out the rollers. Yanking them out too quickly can leave you with less hair than you want.
“I’m surely going to try. Look at his face. They went to the zoo. Apparently, Von went a little crazy and fed all the food to the emus, then got upset that he didn’t have enough for the ostriches.” I soak in the look on Von’s face. He’s dirty, has what looks like chocolate smeared across his cheek, but there’s happiness there, too, and judging by all the information Tyra is giving me, it seems like she and Mace talked quite a bit. Isn’t that an interesting piece of information for me to file for a later date.
“Awe, I have the cutest nephew in the whole wide world.” My rollers are finally out. I grab the oil to tame some of the wildness that becomes my hair when styling it this way.
“He’s your only nephew, goof troop.” Tyra wraps up what she was doing, then we move into my bedroom. The nude bodycon dress only enhances her figure when she shimmies it over her body, dropping the robe as she does it. You’d have never thought she gave birth to a ten-pound baby boy.
“Well, duh, and yes, I’m prejudiced, yet so are you.” I strip out of my oversized shirt, being careful not to screw up all my hard work on my hair and makeup.
“When Wylde sees you in that, he’s going to grab you by the hair, toss you over his shoulder, and drag you back to his lair,” Tyra tells me. I’m slipping on the mini-fit black dress and tie the thin straps that around my neck. The scoop neckline is classic until you get to the sides, where cut-outs showing my skin, and the skirt of the dress is tight, meaning a thong is required but a bra is way out of the picture.
“And you? I’m going to have to beat the guys drooling over you with a stick.” I sit down on the bed. The silver heels I’ve paired with the dress wrap around my ankles, tying the look together.