Page 57 of The Barbarian King's Assassin (Magic and Kings 1)
“Most likely. But if the grand vizier is dead, then at least the combat will be of the ordinary variety.”
“As opposed to?”
“The type you don’t believe in.”
Implying magic. Every time I thought he was more than a barbarian, he said something dumb.
“How long until this fake wedding?”
“We agreed to meet on the next full moon at the Frothy Falls Temple.” The most northern part of Weztroga. The temple was ruled by a high priest, and his acolytes controlled the waterfall and the bridge between East and West.
“How far is that from here?”
“Three days’ ride if we push hard.”
Which left us here for about ten days before leaving again.
“That isn’t much time to prepare.”
He arched a brow. “Prepare what exactly? We’re ready to go when the time is right.”
“How many people know your route? What towns are we hitting along the way? Once we reach the waterfall, what kind of accommodations will you have? Because if they haven’t killed you by then, the effort will likely increase.”
“We need a plan. A backup plan and yet another one in case those both fail.”
“Can’t exactly plot until we get there and see the lay of the land.”
A good point, but I hated inaction. “There must be something we can do.”
“You sound just like my master,” I muttered with a sulk.
“Does you master also want to kiss you?” He stood as he said it and moved until he stood looking down at me.
He would do it. I could see it in his face.
And I wanted him to. Wanted to know what his embrace felt like.
Instead, I slugged him hard enough in the diaphragm that he doubled over. “Pretending to be your whore doesn’t make me one.”
He recovered too quickly and dragged me against his chest, arms banded around me. I couldn’t break free.
I glared at him. “Don’t make me hurt you.”
“Seems to me I’ve been nothing but gentle. You, on the other hand…”
I smirked. “Ego bruised?”
“A little.”
I slammed my foot down on his instep, and when he yelled, loosening his grip, I said sweetly, “You don’t pay me enough to have sex with you.”
Funny thingabout what I’d said. For one, I never got paid to have sex. I slept with people I desired. Usually men.