Page 17 of Ruins of Temptation (Corium University Trilogy)
As soon as I step inside, the two men stop talking, their heads turn toward me, and they drop the playing cards in their hands onto the table.
“Mr. Diavolo…” One of them clears his throat. “We didn’t expect you to be here so soon.”
“Where is she?”
“Down the hall, last door. I’ll show you.” One of the goons jumps up, eager to show me what a good employee he is. The other one is less worried about crawling up my ass and stays quiet instead.
“I’m Rick,” the one leading the way explains. Then he points at the guy following us. “That’s Bruno.”
I simply nod, not caring what their fucking names are the least bit. Rick stops in front of the last door, fumbling with the key to unlock it.
“What condition is she in?” I ask while he tries out three different keys as if he forgot which one to use.
“She’s fine… I mean, we roughed her up a little when she was mouthy, but there’s no permanent damage.”
“Did you fuck her?”
“No.” Rick shakes his head. “Boss said not to.”
“And you always do what the boss says?” I challenge. “After all, you’re all alone in the middle of nowhere, nothing to let some steam off while a girl sits right under your nose. Seems like a waste not to fuck her.”
“That’s what I said,” Bruno chimes in. “She’s a pretty little thing too. It would have been fun to break her in and see what she was made of.”
Turning my head, I cast a look over my shoulder at Bruno.
With a grin, I say, “Maybe I’ll give you the opportunity to fuck her after all. Let’s see how well behaved she is today.”
“Let’s see.” Bruno smiles widely, showing off a set of uneven yellow teeth. With a creak, the door swings open, and my eyes come to rest on her small frame curled tightly into a ball on a filthy cot.
If I had a heart, I might give a shit. No. If she was someone else, maybe I’d be inclined to care about what she’s been through but knowing she is Matteo’s sister. Knowing she is the last person I can hurt when it comes to righting my wrongs with my daughter. Nothing she has been through matters to me. She might as well be invisible to me, and by the time I get through with her, she’ll wish she was.