Page 16 of Ruins of Temptation (Corium University Trilogy)
Leaning forward, I set my elbows on my desk, curling my hands into tight fists in front of me. “You did what?” I’m pretty sure I heard every word Quinton said, but my mind is still fighting belief.
“I kept Matteo alive to torture him and give Aspen a chance to kill him herself.” The way he says it all nonchalantly makes me want to shove my fist into his face. I can’t believe this.
I don’t know what bothers me more, knowing he’s been alive when I was dreaming about killing him in indescribable ways or knowing he’s now dead, and I missed another chance.
“Did she do it?”
His lips curl up into a satisfied grin, and I know the answer before he opens his mouth. “She did. Shot his dick off first, though.”
“Nice.” I nod, pride filling my chest at the thought of her pulling the trigger. She deserved to be the one to end him. After all he did to her… my blood starts to pump through my veins faster, and the thundering of my heartbeat fills my ears. I can’t think about it because thinking about it makes me murderous.
Quinton stretches his arms out and interlaces his fingers behind his head. “But now we have this other problem.”
“Youhave this other problem,” I correct.
“Yeah, I fucked up. I shouldn’t have lied to Aspen, but at the moment, I didn’t know what else to do. I can’t let this chick just go, but I can’t kill her either.”
“How old is she?”
“Well… I guess we could enroll her as a student.”
“That’s a terrible idea.”
“You have a better one? You said it yourself that you can’t just let her leave, and if Aspen finds out you are keeping her locked up somewhere, she’s not going to be happy about it. At least we can keep an eye on her here.”
Quinton rubs at his jaw, his eyes narrowing. “We can pay her tuition with what Valentine paid for Matteo.”
“We could, yes, and we do have a few rooms empty.” Really, this is not a bad idea. I like it more by the second. I missed my chance at killing the rest of the Valentines, and though I won’t be able to kill this one, I can still make her life hell in every way possible.
Maybe that will satisfy me? The longer I think about it, the more I enjoy the idea. I’ll never get revenge for Aspen. I’ll never be able to ease my guilt for not walking her up to the house that night, but I can use Delilah.
“Yes, I like it,” Quinton announces. “Do you mind getting her? The place I’ve been keeping her is close by. Just twenty minutes with the helicopter. I’ll talk to Aspen while you’re gone.”
“Sure, I’d love to.”
Quinton raises a questioning eyebrow at my answer but doesn’t question my sudden interest in this girl. “Okay then, I guess I’ll see you later.” He pushes himself up from the chair, giving me a final nod before turning around and leaving my office.
I’m out of the chair the next moment, suddenly excited about my new task. I grab my winter coat from the closet and pull it over my normal clothes. As I walk out of my office, Lea—my new assistant—looks up from her desk in confusion.
“I’ll be out for the day,” I say before she can ask. “If anyone needs something, tell them it’s going to have to wait until tomorrow.”
“Of course!” She nods eagerly… a little too eagerly. I haven’t figured out why, but I don’t like her. Something about her is rubbing me the wrong way. I make a mental note to look into her and ask Nic why he sent her here.
When I get upstairs to the helipad, one of our helicopters is ready and waiting for me. Quinton must have called ahead. I climb in and buckle up just as the pilot lifts us off the ground.
Twenty minutes later, we land in front of what looks to be an abandoned hangar.
“Wait here,” I tell the pilot, who points me to the door at the side of the building. The place is covered in snow and barely visible from the sky. Even walking up to the building, it’s hard to make out how big this place is because it blends in so well with its natural surroundings.
The freezing wind whips around my head, ice particles settling on my skin and hair. The inside of the hanger isn’t much warmer, but at least there’s no wind.
I walk through the large empty space that used to hold planes. A small dim light comes from a hallway toward the back of the building. It leads me to a row of doors; the first one is wide open, chatter coming from inside the room.