Page 28 of Just Believe (The Reluctant Heart 6)
Chapter Nine
“I thought you were going to call her,” Jerry said as we hiked over to the viewing station on Mt. Cannon.
“I did. She hung up on me,” I said.
“Ouch. So much for you inheriting the Heart charm,” he teased.
I snorted. “Not sure which one of us has it, because from hearing the ladies talk last night, we’re all lacking in that department.”
“For the record, Reanna thinks I’m very romantic.”
“Please stop before you make me hurl,” I warned. At no point did I want to hear any of my brothers share advice on romance. We were raised to focus on work and put business needs first always. Only recently had things started to change.
“Fine. So she hung up. Call her back.”
“I did. It goes right to voicemail,” I said.
“I don’t know what you said, but damn, I’ve never pissed Reanna off that much,” Jerry said.
“Good thing, because she carries a gun and also can haul your ass to jail.”
“This isn’t about me, it’s about you and PJ. So why don’t you fly down and see her in Florida?”
“I don’t have her address,” I replied. Not that I would go anyway. If she wasn’t taking my calls, I’m sure she wouldn’t want me knocking on her door. “Maybe Reanna can obtain that for me.”
“You want my wife to use her police skills to get what you should be able to do for yourself?” Jerry asked.
“I’m sure she wouldn’t mind,” I said.
“I know she wouldn’t, but I do. She takes law enforcement very seriously. She’s very ‘by the book.’ Asking her to do something that falls in the gray area isn’t fair to her. But I know someone else who might be able to give you the information you need.”
“Who is that?” I asked.
“Lizzy. Reanna said she and PJ were close. And with how much Lizzy talked, I bet she learned stuff you didn’t.”
“I’d rather not involve Lizzy.”
If I do, I’ll get more than I ask for.She has a way of doing more talking than she should, even when it’s none of her business.
“You seem to resist anything I suggest. Mother is right, you’re stubborn,” Jerry stated.
“Why? Because I haven’t caved in and settled down? Not everyone has to get married,” I said firmly.
“I don’t recall saying anything about marriage. Now I know what’s on your mind,” Jerry joked.
This time out on the mountain was supposed to calm me. Was Jerry intentionally pushing my buttons?
“Careful, Jerry. Else you might find, it’s a lot quicker trip down for you.”
He laughed. “Reanna did mention I shouldn’t have this conversation when we’re on a three-thousand-foot cliff.”
“She’s a smart woman. What’s she doing with you?” I half joked. “I really have no idea what any woman would see in us Heart men. We’re all assholes.”
“Excuse me. I’m a recovering asshole,” Jerry said. “And if I start to slip, all I have to do is look at Reanna.”
I couldn’t picture changing for another person. I’d be giving up who I am. I like myself and I’m not looking to change to meet someone else’s expectations.