Page 27 of Just Believe (The Reluctant Heart 6)
I was upset with him, but the truth was, the only person I was mad at right now was myself. Clark was just trying to understand why I had changed my plans so suddenly. With my mixed emotions, I had put up my defenses and lashed out. I made such a big deal over…nothing.
Tomorrow, I would reach out and say sorry, not just to him, but to my newfound friends as well. I’m sure Lizzy would accept my apology and our rapport would go back to normal. With Clark, I wasn’t so sure. Even though I wasn’t going to see him again, I didn’t want us parting on bad terms.
Stripping off the rest of my clothes, I opened the shower door and got inside. Once I was all soaped up, I heard my cell phone ringing.
I knew Crystal wasn’t through with her nagging yet, but I figured once she got home, she would be too occupied with Joey to think any more about me and Clark.
Opening the shower door slightly, I reached for my phone and hit the speakerphone button.
“I’m in the shower right now, but I’ll call in the morning.” I couldn’t hear her response so I added, “And yes, I’m going to apologize to Clark, too. He’s really not a bad guy.”
Then the voice on the other end became clearer. “I’m glad to hear that,” Clark said. “You’re…”
I opened my eyes and the shampoo got inside and stung. “Oh, shit.” Reaching for the towel to wipe the soap from my eyes, I knocked the phone off the counter and heard it crash to the floor.
I closed the door again, rinsed off quickly, and got out. When I picked up my phone, the glass was cracked and water from the shower had gotten inside. I pressed the button to try to turn it back on, but the screen was black.
Great. I was just about to say I was sorry, and now he probably thinks I hung up on him.
This wasn’t getting any better, and now I had no way to call him back until I got a new phone.
Wrapping myself in the large bath sheet, I walked back into my bedroom, turned off the lights, and crawled under the covers.
Sometimes, the universe does everything it can to tell you things weren’t meant to be.
Closing my eyes, I tried to sleep. But I could only picture Clark’s handsome face and wonder why he had called. Was something wrong? Probably he just wanted to make sure I made it home safe and sound.
Guess neither of us are getting any answers tonight.And judging from the tension in my body, I’d say no sleep, either.