Page 54 of The Billionaire's Regret (The Blank Check 4)
“Sofia, I’m happy for you and Dylan. But it makes you see things that aren’t there. And before you tell me I’m wrong, just remember, I know you better than you know yourself sometimes. You just want for me to have what you have. I will. Just not right now. It’s your time, not mine.”
“You’re probably right. When did you become the logical thinking one, and me the hopeful romantic?” Sofia asked.
“You always were. You just hid it better. Now I better get to work, before I’m on the unemployment line for screwing off on the job.”
“Ha. They wouldn’t.”
“You say that, but Lawson Steel takes work very seriously. So I need to as well. Love you. I’ll touch base later this week. Good luck at the doctors.”
“Love you too, and thank you,” Sofia said, ending the call.
Charlene sat at her desk trying not to think about what Sofia said about Seth. He couldn’t be crazy about her. Did he like her? Yes. Attracted to her? Yes again. That was evident when he kissed her. She wasn’t ignorant to the hardening bulge in his pants. But there was a vast difference between desire and…love.
“You look like you’re in deep thought? Should I come back?” Sal said from the doorway.
Charlene was grateful for the interruption. She couldn’t afford for her thoughts to go down that path. And she sure as hell didn’t want Sal picking up on it either. “I’m hoping to be able to do my job sometime soon. Did you know that my phone line is no longer working?”
“Oh, let me guess. You agree with Seth, that I can’t handle the calls,” she said, leaning back in her chair.
Sal entered her office and shut the door behind him. Then he took the seat across from her. “I don’t recall Seth saying such a thing. Maybe it is you who doubts yourself?”
She crossed her arms. “I’m not the one who has my calls going to some other employee.”
“They are redirected to Seth,” he said.
“Seth? Why? Doesn’t he have enough to do already without taking a bunch of wrong numbers?” None of this made any sense. Not the wrong numbers and not what happened with Mr. Sheen. Could it be? She looked at Sal and said, “Did you ever consider that this might not be a coincidence?”
“The calls to your office line?” Sal asked. She nodded and he added, “One call wouldn’t have flagged it as an issue. Multiple, definitely.”
“No I mean, a link between the calls and…and Mr. Sheen. Do you think that he could be behind them?” she asked.
Sal shook his head. “There is no reason for him to act in such a manner. Besides, the calls started prior to him learning the business relationship wasn’t taking place.”
“Oh, that’s right. How could I forget that?”
“Charlene, stop thinking about it. Let me do my job and you do yours.”
She laughed. “My job? And how can I do that without a phone line? I sit in this office and twiddle my thumbs or if I’m lucky, someone stops by and says hello.”
“That explains why you’re so grumpy this morning. I’d have thought maybe after your date last night you’d be in a better mood.”
“Don’t you start too,” Charlene warned.
“Yes. I just hung up with Sofia. She has the misplaced idea that Seth is…” Charlene realized she actually was going to add fuel to that if she voiced it again. “Well, let’s just say she is wrong.”
“I’m not used to the two of you not being on the same side. But I have a feeling Sofia and I might be in agreement, for once.”
“Yes. That’s what I’m afraid of. If you don’t mind, neither one of us should be talking about our boss like this.”
“I don’t remember telling you what I was thinking. However, if you would like to discuss Seth, I have a few minutes,” he grinned.
“No I don’t. Why don’t we talk about something else?”
“What would you like to talk about?” he asked.