Page 53 of The Billionaire's Regret (The Blank Check 4)
Charlene wasn’t sure which she missed more, Seth or his breakfast, but she couldn’t leave her apartment fast enough and get to work. That was unusual for being a Monday morning. But it wasn’t like she had gotten much sleep. She tossed and turned, haunted by Seth’s sweet kisses and what could’ve been. There was a point she thought for sure they were going to make love. But as quickly as the fire started, he snuffed it out. It was better that way or at least she told herself that over and over again last night as she laid on her bed, alone.
Either way, Charlene was at work bright and early, sitting at her desk once again, with nothing to do. With the phone still off limits how was she going to keep her mind from wandering in directions that it shouldn’t? She hadn’t been joking when she told Seth she might fantasize about him. But if she had things to keep her busy it would make it a lot easier.
So she did the only thing she could and called Sofia. “Good morning. Am I waking you?”
Sofia laughed. “I wish. No. I’m up and about to take Liliana to the doctors for a checkup. She won’t be a happy girl tonight, because she is also getting a few shots. I hate this part. I thought I could handle anything, but seeing her cry…well it just breaks my heart.”
“Do you need company?” Charlene offered.
“I thought you were working?” Sofia asked.
“I am. But I’m sure I can get the morning off if you need me. Besides, it’s not like the phone is ringing off the hook.” Or at all.
“Thanks. But Dylan is coming with me. Don’t tell him I said anything, but his eyes tear up too when she cries.”
Charlene snickered. “I’d pay to see that. He always comes off like a tough guy.”
“Don’t they all? But when you get to know them, you see more than they let others see. I’m sure you’re finding things out about Seth that I don’t even know.”
That was the truth. Seth pretends like he has no interest in anything except work, yet he enjoys art and cooking and she knew there was even more. She was enjoying learning all these little secrets Seth had. Each one seemed more exciting than the last. Charlene couldn’t imagine what she’d learn next.
“I guess I am,” she replied.
Sofia huffed. “This is when you spill them.”
Another time, Charlene would have. But she was enjoying the trust Seth had in her. If she started blabbing, even to Sofia, then Seth might pull away. She wasn’t going to risk that. Not even for her bestie.
“I thought you’d be asking me about what happened with Mr. Sheen.”
“Oh my God. I can’t believe I forgot that. What is wrong with me?” Sofia sighed.
“I think it’s called being a mom. But don’t worry. Everything worked out and I’m back to staying at my apartment. Mr. Sheen is no longer an issue.” At least that is what she was told. No way would any of those guys let her leave if it wasn’t safe.
“Well that’s great. What did they do?”
Funny thing was she still didn’t know. Did it matter? Part of her said yes, she needed to know, but then again, the only important thing was she was safe. “They met with him and told him to leave me alone.”
She knew it wasn’t that simple. Sofia wasn’t going to buy that either. “In other words, they aren’t talking. I’d offer to call Sal, but he definitely won’t tell me anything. You should try working on Seth. I have a feeling you could get him to talk.”
“Why is that?” she asked.
“Because the guy is crazy about you. Although I don’t think he realizes it yet. Sometimes they are the last to know,” Sofia laughed. “Then again, I don’t think you realize how much you like Seth either. For the first time, you’re not chasing the guy and I’m thinking that’s because he’s the right guy.”
“Yes Mama Marciano,” Charlene teased.
“I am not my mother. But you can’t tell me you haven’t thought about it. And if you do, then you’d be lying.”
“Of course I’ve thought about it. He’s a handsome, intelligent man. I’d worry if I was dead if I didn’t notice those things,” she stated. He’s also funny and sensitive and caring but let’s not forget, he’s also my boss.
“Well when you quit lying to yourself, you might realize that you’re attracted to Seth.”
“Sofia, I work for Lawson Steel. We’ve been through this before. I’m not risking my job over some guy. That was the old Charlene. This new one is…responsible and…driven, and…”
“Crazy about Seth. Which doesn’t go away just because you wish it. Why don’t you sit down and talk to him. Tell him how you feel and see what he says?”
Because I don’t know how I feel.That was the truth. Charlene did like him, maybe a bit more than she should. Seth did occupy much of her thoughts already, but that was easy to explain. They worked together and she’d spent the weekend at his home. It made sense that she couldn’t stop thinking about him. But today was a new day. They had no plans of seeing each other outside of work.