Page 58 of The Billionaire's Charade (The Blank Check 2)
“Sofia, can you please stop looking at the building and look at me,” Dylan said, taking her hand in his. When she did so, he said, “Sofia, do you know what I like about you?”
“I believe you said my eyes.”
Dylan grinned. “They are beautiful and I could stare into them for hours. But this isn’t just something physical. And I hope you know that.”
“If I thought so, I wouldn’t be here now. But what does any of that have to do with your living arrangements?”
“Absolutely nothing. They are just things, things that don’t mean much to me. If you’re uncomfortable staying here, then tomorrow we can look for a place that might suit us both better.”
She was shocked. “Dylan, this is your home. Why would you leave it?”
“I told your parents that you’d be here with me and I’d protect you. I meant that, Sofia. Part of that is making sure you’re happy. If this place makes you uncomfortable, then we find someplace else. That simple.”
Simple for you.“Dylan, I’m sure your place will be fine. Like yourself, I’m going to be working so much, I’ll hardly be there either.”
As they made their way up to his place, she couldn’t help but wonder why she was feeling this way. It was ridiculous that she was even having thoughts like this. What his place looked like really shouldn’t matter. Heck, her dream was the rich and famous lifestyle, and here she was, about to live it. But this wasn’t hers, it was his, and she didn’t want to get used to it. Most actresses lived a hard life until they got their break, if it ever came at all. Staying in a penthouse apartment in New York City, even for a brief time, was more than most would ever see.
Maybe that’s what was troubling her, that it was beginning to feel more like a fairytale. Dylan was no prince, and he admitted to it, and she wasn’t some damsel in distress who needed rescuing, either. So what did that leave? A relationship of…convenience? That didn’t seem Dylan’s style, and sure as heck wasn’t hers. But if you removed the kisses from the equation, her being here really could be just a case of one person helping out another, no strings attached.
She’d been looking for her freedom for so long, and she finally had it. The last thing she wanted was to be tied down to anything or anyone. The best thing she could do was keep this, whatever it was, platonic. It wasn’t going to be that hard. Well, as long as they never kissed or touched or got too close to each other. Then it was all over. Not only couldn’t she hold back, she didn’t want to. The sexual attraction between them was powerful. And although she thought she could act pretty well, hiding it from him was impossible.
Oh hell, who am I kidding? I don’t want the PG fairytale version. What fun would that be?
When the private elevator doors opened up and they stepped out into his apartment, Dylan said, “You’re awful flush. Don’t like elevators?”
She hadn’t even paid attention. “Guess I’m just a bit nervous about the next step.” More like anticipating. Excited. Desiring. But we’ll go with nervous. It sounded less…bold.
“I guess that is a good question. We never discussed sleeping arrangements. I do have a spare bedroom that you’re welcome to.” Dylan stepped closer and tipped her chin up to meet his gaze. “Or you can share mine.”
Her heart pounded so loudly it seemed to fill the room. This is what she wanted. Why wasn’t she falling into his arms and going for it? Because falling is what I’m afraid of. She liked him more than she wanted to admit, and it was going to hurt like hell when it was time to say goodbye. For someone like Dylan, it wasn’t if that would happen, it was when. Was it better to have loved and lost than never loved at all? Was the pain worth the pleasure? Guess I’m going to find out.
What the hell is wrong with me?Dylan knew he was moving too fast; he wanted to put it out there and let her decide. But fuck, it was killing him to be so close and not pull her into his arms and kiss every inch of her. Never before had he wanted anyone the way he did her. It wasn’t all about making himself feel good, although he knew he would. He wanted to please her even more than himself. Whatever she wanted, he’d respect and honor.
But those big honey brown eyes of hers staring back at him were driving him nuts. He could tell she was debating what she wanted. All it would take was for his lips to touch hers and he knew he could sway her decision. But that would be an asshole move. Not that he wasn’t one, but he didn’t want to be with her like that. If she needed time, she’d have it. No matter how tight the bulge in his jeans became.
The attraction to her was getting stronger each time he saw her. Knowing that they were traveling to the city to stay together had only enhanced his desire. All he wanted was one more taste of those sweet lips. At every traffic light, he fought the urge to pull her into his arms. He didn’t, because he wouldn’t have been able to stop. Her white blouse had been professional in the office, but now it was pressed tightly against her breasts by the seatbelt, her taut nipples teasing him, as though begging for his attention. It was no wonder his cock was aching.
So when Sofia stepped a bit closer and asked, “Which bed is more comfortable?” Dylan had her answer.
Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled her up against him and said, “I really don’t know. Maybe we should give them both a try and find out.”
“It’s always wise to do your research before making a decision. And I believe in being thorough, too,” she said with a wink.
What little restraint he had was gone. “Holy shit woman, you’re making holding back, very difficult.”
“I’m sorry.”
No you’re not.He could hear the desire in her voice. It matched his own. Dylan gently touched her chin, tipping her face to look up at him. Her honey-brown eyes were now dark, her olive skin, flush. “Do you know how beautiful you are?”
“Tell me,” she said seductively.
She laid a soft hand on his chest, instantly causing blood to rush through his veins. When she ran her hand lower, his muscles tightened. He moaned, gripping her more tightly, leaving little question about how much he wanted her.
“I’d rather show you,” he said, his voice almost a growl. “I’m going to kiss you, Sofia. If you are not positive this is what you want, I suggest you tell me now. Because once I taste those sweet lips of yours, I’m going to want to taste all of you.”
She opened her mouth, and he feared she was about to tell him no. If she did, he’d stop. He might need to put some ice in his pants to cool his jets, because even a cold shower wasn’t going to be enough to put out this fire. But shit, he’d respect her wishes if no was her answer.
He felt her legs tremble against his and she reached up, wrapping her arms around his neck. That was all the invitation he needed. He bent to kiss her, slowly at first, tracing her lips with his tongue, teasing and encouraging her lips to open for him, which they did. He loved how she clung to his shoulders, pulling him even closer, wanting more. She was driving him over the edge, and this was only the beginning.