Page 57 of The Billionaire's Charade (The Blank Check 2)
Sofia didn’t want to talk about it. She’d blown that rehearsal. The director had corrected her more times than not. It wouldn’t surprise her if they asked her not to return. It’d be her own fault, too. She’d been given plenty of time to study the lines, and each time something had come up. Some were legitimate excuses, others not.
“Still thinking about what happened with your parents?” Dylan asked.
It’d make sense if she were, but that was the one thing that wasn’t stressing her right now. They really seemed okay with her decision. Then again, what choice did she have? It wasn’t like Sofia had gone asking for their permission. Just their blessing.
“It’s been a long day all the way around,” Sofia replied, not ready to discuss how horrible things had gone for her yet. That last thing she needed was Dylan questioning her acting skills, anymore than she was already. I know what I need to do, I just have to do it. Tomorrow is another day and I’ll be prepared. Even if it meant studying during her lunch break, she would. It wasn’t just the director and the other actors that she let down, it was herself too.
“It’ll be better when we get to the apartment.”
“And unload. That’s something to look forward to,” she said with a chuckle.
“I’ll have it brought in, but the unpacking is all you.” Dylan paused, then added, “I have a confession to make.”
“It’s too late, if you’re going to tell me you’re married.”
He laughed. “Guess this will be easier than I thought. I…I wasn’t expecting any of this today. So when you get inside, you might find my apartment is lacking a few things.”
“Like what?”
“Food,” he stated. She choked out a chuckle and he added, “I don’t spend much time there. Just to sleep, mostly.”
“Do you have any issue with me doing some cooking? I’m kind of particular about what I eat. Maybe it’s because my mother is such a good cook.”
“Please tell me she passed that talent down to you,” Dylan said.
“Of course. I practically grew up in that kitchen.” She sighed. “It’s going to be weird not going in there every day.”
“Having second thoughts? I mean, if you are, I can drive you back home, if that’s what you want.”
“Trying to get rid of me already? We haven’t even made it up to your apartment.”
“Sofia, I’m serious. I want you to be happy.”
She saw the look in his eyes. It wasn’t one that questioned his decision, but was questioning hers. “Leaving wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment decision. I’ve been wanting to do this for many years. And for the record, I didn’t do this for you, either. This decision was made based on what works best for me. At least, for now.”
“Ouch. That’s a kick to my ego,” Dylan teased.
“You know what I mean. But if your ego needs some stroking, then know that I wouldn’t have agreed to live with anyone else.”
Dylan smiled. “My ego is intact, but I’m glad to hear that anyway. And don’t let this go to your head, but I wouldn’t have extended the offer to anyone else, either.”
Surely someone like Dylan Lawson had women banging down his door to move in. She could only imagine how many had spent the night here in his bed. That thought didn’t appeal to her one bit. She wasn’t the jealous type, and really there wasn’t anything to be jealous of. He was still just being supportive of her…acting career? She was just telling herself that, so there was no chance of getting hurt. But no man would go to this length. He cared about her and she…was only there because she cared about him as well. Just neither was ready to admit it.
“All I know is, I can’t wait to get upstairs and get into a hot shower.”
“Then why are we sitting in the car?” he asked.
“Because it’s your place, and besides, I don’t even know which apartment is yours,” she teased.
He pointed to the top of the building. “All the way up.”
She stuck her head out the car window and looked up at the skyscraper. “You’re joking, right? That’s the penthouse.”
“To me, it’s a place I lay my head. Lawson Steel builds skyscrapers or major developments all over the world. I take it you didn’t know.”
She continued looking at the building and said, “Dylan, when you asked me to live with you, I thought…well…that you had an apartment. Not…this.”