Page 30 of Virgin For The Fourth Time
Chapter Eight
Zoey checked the clock for what seemed like the millionth time. There was no way she was getting any sleep. What was he thinking? You can’t kiss me like that and then just walk out.
She wanted to talk to him about it. Calling him at four a.m. wasn’t acceptable. She’d just have to wait a few more hours. Of course, he doesn’t seem bothered by etiquette. He shows up at my house uninvited bright and early.
Picking up her cell phone from her nightstand, she thought about calling him. The only problem was she didn’t have a clue what she’d say. Hi. Can’t stop thinking about that kiss. Want to come over and finish where we left off?
That’d be the truth, but way too forward. Besides, the look on his face said it all. He wasn’t enjoying what she was doing. Heck, she was almost thirty-four years old, and the only real pleasure she’d ever known involved batteries. Teenagers seemed to have more experience than she did. Some things I can’t practice all by myself.
Zoey laughed because she remembered as a young girl kissing her own hand so she wouldn’t be so nervous when a boy eventually kissed her. Her battery-operated helpers and kissing her hand were also things she wouldn’t admit to anyone. There seemed to be an endless list. That left little to speak about on a date. Thankfully, she and Bennett had been so busy laughing at her lack of skill with a bowling ball there wasn’t any need for small talk.
That didn’t mean she didn’t want to talk to him. Actually, she wanted to get to know him much better. She knew what he did to earn a living and that he was darn good at it. But employment history wasn’t where her thoughts were right now. She wanted to know about his personal life. Had he ever been in love? Married? Heck, I don’t know if he has any children. What do I really know about him? Nothing except my heart races when he’s near. And when he kisses me, my temperature shoots through the roof.
Zoey couldn’t stand it any longer. She wanted to see him. It was that simple. “Women do call men. So why am I hesitant? All I have to do is call and tell him.”
Her finger hovered over the call button, but she couldn’t bring herself to press it. I don’t want to wake him. I can wait. Nothing’s wrong.
She removed her blankets and got out of the bed, leaving the phone on her pillow. Zoey knew exactly what her problem was. She was sexually frustrated. The spark that was there when he was close ignited into a raging fire when his tongue entered her mouth. If the ache between her legs wasn’t an emergency, she didn’t know what was. Zoey looked at her nightstand. She had a few adult toys that would do the trick, but she wanted more. She wanted him. Yeah, the little vibrator shaped like a cupcake just isn’t going to cut it.
Zoey picked up her phone again. She might not have the guts to call him, but there was nothing wrong with sending a text asking to see him tomorrow.
Bennett. I want to know if you’d like to come over and make sweet love to me till I can’t remember my name.
She read the text and blushed. Too blunt, but very true. She deleted the message and tried again.
Hi. Would love to have you for breakfast.Oh yeah, because I bet he’s yummy. Second message deleted. They say third times the charm.
She hadn’t meant to hit send. Just one word. There was no explanation as to why she was texting him at that ungodly hour.
Hi. What are you doing up?
He’s awake? That didn’t take him long to respond. She wanted to tell him she was thinking of him. However, no one could ever accuse her of being bold and forward.
Can’t sleep.Really? Absolutely no imagination.
Me either. Want to go out and grab an early breakfast?
Who eats at this time of morning? Oh yeah, someone who spent half their life in the military. Zoey normally didn’t eat breakfast, but if it meant seeing him, then she’d start.
Sounds good. Where do you want to meet?
I’ll come get you in thirty minutes.
She was beside herself. Bennett was coming to pick her up. Oh, shoot! I still have to shower and get dressed.
Normally she’d stay in the shower forever. But like yesterday, she didn’t want to keep Bennett waiting. She quickly showered and dressed in a pair of casual slacks and a pink blouse. She was overdressed, but her wardrobe lacked the proper attire for a pre-dawn rendezvous. I think I need to rectify that. Wonder if Lena would go on a girls’ only shopping spree with me? I can ask her about Bennett at the same time.
Zoey heard the doorbell and hurried down to meet him. She needed to remind herself that this was only breakfast. He was being kind because she couldn’t sleep, and they both needed to eat. When she opened the door, Bennett bent and kissed her cheek.
“Morning, sweetheart. You better grab your coat because I’m starving.”
Sweetheart. I could hear that every day of my life and never get tired of it. Grabbing her coat, she locked up and walked to his vehicle. Zoey asked, “Where are we going?”
He opened the passenger door and said, “I know this truck stop that has the best breakfast around.”