Page 29 of Virgin For The Fourth Time
“So you have to find out what made him that way. Go back to his childhood. Remember, we’re a product of our environment. Dig deep into his life, and you’ll be able to understand Zoey’s. But I wouldn’t share your findings with anyone except me. If I’m correct, it’s not going to be pretty. There’s no reason for a family to learn about something they can’t change. It’s in the past, and let’s leave it there for them.”
Bennett nodded. He wasn’t sure where to get more information. According to what he had found out, Henderson was an only child and raised by only his mother. There was no mention of any other family. And from what he’d seen, the children never went to visit her. Was sweet old Grammy not so sweet? Was she the reason Henderson was who he was? If so, who’d have that information? “It seems everyone I need to speak to is dead.”
“It says that the oldest son, Brice, was with the father when he died. Many people use their last breath to share things they’ve hidden for a lifetime. Why don’t you pay him a visit? See if you can get a read on him.”
“He’s not the type to talk to strangers. Trust me. I won’t get anywhere with him. I’d have more luck with his wife, Lena.”
“He wouldn’t have shared what you need to know with his wife. If it’s as atrocious as we suspect, he’d do anything to protect the ones he loves from learning about it.”
“I’ll call him tomorrow.”
“Good. Remember, it’s not what a person says, Bennett, and you know that. It’s what they don’t tell you. All you need to know is if he’s carrying the family secrets or not. You don’t need to know what they are right now.”
Having Doug working with him was extremely helpful. Also, scary as hell, knowing it wasn’t just the Hendersons Doug would be watching. He’d have to watch everything he said and did a lot more closely. I’ve got my own set of secrets, and I’d prefer to keep them that way.
“I have to collect the second set of DNA samples for Jon. I’ll gather one from Brice while we’re chatting.”
Doug shook his head. “I only help military families. How did I get myself into this?”
“I believe you volunteered,” Bennett said as he tossed a pillow and blankets on the couch for Doug. “You can sleep here tonight. In the morning we’ll find you your own room.”
“Tonight I study.”
They were both good at their jobs, but getting into a person’s psyche never appealed to him. Usually because they remind me how fucked up I am. That is something I’m still working on forgetting