Page 36 of Ten Broken Promises
“You said things were slow in Montpelier. I thought you might like to see something new.”
“Connor, even though I haven’t lived any place else, it doesn’t mean I haven’t traveled. I think your blood sugar must be low and you’re not thinking straight. Maybe we should eat and talk about it later.” Like tomorrow when I’m not here.
“Krista is it so weird that I want to spend time with you?” he asked.
“Nope. Just odd that you hadn’t said it before. But I have to admit, trying to get me to go away with you by using the pregnant sister was…”
She shook her head. “Lame.” Snickering she picked up her fork and stabbed a piece of lettuce. Not looking at him she said, “You could always come with me to Montpelier.”
Krista could feel his eyes burning into her as he responded, “I guess I could. By the way, the chopper leaves at ten.”
“And where exactly is it going?” she asked.
“Anywhere you tell it.”
She smiled and took another bite. Dinner was turning out to be more interesting than she’d expected. But what she really wanted was to sample some of that sweet dessert. That would have to wait until they arrived in Montpelier. Because if she was right, once they let their walls down, that passion was going to run wild like white water rapids after a rainstorm.
And all you can do is hold on tight and enjoy the ride, because it’s going to be an exhilarating one for sure.