Page 35 of Ten Broken Promises
She arrived back at his apartment ten minutes before six. That was cutting it too close. She grabbed some plates from his cupboard and set the table. Then she opened the bags containing the food and started plating it. Once she was done, she stood back and was impressed on how nice it looked, lasagna and a fresh salad with bread.
Too bad I didn’t make it.
Krista took all the carryout containers and put them in the trash. Maybe he wouldn’t notice that there weren’t any dirty dishes in the sink. As she heard the door open, another thought came to mind.
What if he wants seconds?
When Connor entered the kitchen he said, “What’s all this?”
“You said dinner. Here it is.”
“I see that. But I meant go out to eat. I didn’t want you spending your day cooking.”
Guess you got your wish.
“Why don’t we sit and eat while it’s still hot.” Or semi-warm.
“Sounds good. I just need to make a call first.”
He stood by the table as he made a call but put it on speakerphone.
“Thank you for calling Uncle Ronnie’s. How may I help you?”
“This is Mr. Falciano. I need to cancel my reservation for seven this evening. It appears that dinner has already been delivered.”
“No problem sir. Have a good night.”
Krista raised a brow and Connor pointed to the trashcan. The lid didn’t close and the large paper bag with the name Uncle Ronnie’s was sticking out.
Blushing she said, “Great minds think alike?”
He slipped his phone back into his pocket and walked up to her, pulling her into his arms. “Let me test that theory, because this is what I’ve been thinking about all day.”
She sucked in her breath as he bent and claimed her lips. At first it was slow but quickly the hunger within them exploded. Connor wrapped his arms around her and she felt herself being lifted off the floor. Her body was pressed against him. As their tongues explored she felt his passion growing as well. A very distinct bulge. One that made her ache for more. But this was crazy. It was moving too fast. She was leaving in a few hours for Montpelier. She couldn’t have sex, then just…leave, like it never happened. I can’t do this. Not like this.
It wasn’t easy, and not really what she wanted, but slowly she began to pull away. He held her a bit longer, then, as though his mind had cleared, he eased her down onto her feet.
Looking up at him, while he still had his arm around her she said, “I think you did more thinking about it than I had.” She smiled hoping that made the point.
“I can’t help it Krista. I’ve never held back when I know what I want.”
That was the problem. There was no way they were on the same page in that territory. “Well you wanted dinner, so I guess we should eat.”
Connor let her go as she went and sat down. He paused a second before joining her. When he did, he said, “Come with me to Tennessee.”
“What? Why?” She had no idea where the heck that had come from?
“I have a few days off and I’m going to see my sister.”
“That’s great. What makes you think I’d want to go with you?” she asked.
“She’s pregnant,” he replied.
Krista chuckled. “Caring for pregnant women isn’t an addiction you know. They are patients. Is she in need of care? Because if she is, I’m sure I can find someone in her area that would see her.”
“No. She’s got the best doctors.” Then he raised his hands and added, “Not that you’re not the best.”
“I’m not offended. I’m what some would call a country doctor. At least the ones from the big city. But trust me, I know my worth. So if she doesn’t need me, I ask again, why did you want me to come?”