Page 55 of Thirteen Wishes
“I’ll be there. I’m sure the Hendersons won’t mind me hopping a flight on their jet.”
“Thank you, Reesa,” he said. “I…I’ve never been so scared in my life. I thought…I was worried that…”
“It’s okay, Jasper. From what you told me, they are both okay and in good hands. Try to get some rest. I’ll be there soon to help you. Give them both a kiss from me. I love you,” I said.
“I love you, too. And…sorry about cutting your time with Finn short. I know how much you were looking forward to spending time with him.”
That was an understatement. Finn and I didn’t have much time left together, but the fact was, he would be leaving in two days. It would’ve come to an end anyway. The longer we spent together, the harder it was going to be to say goodbye. It hurts like hell already.
“Don’t worry about me, Jasper, you just go and enjoy your new daughter.” I ended the call and placed my phone on the table.
Finn sat down beside me and said, “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but it sounds like they’ll all be okay.”
I burst into tears and he lifted me and placed me on his lap. As I sobbed as I said, “Finn, I wish my family could have been here. But I’m glad they weren’t. You’ve seen the hospital. We’ve done so much but we don’t have a NICU unit. If Alissa had gotten hurt here, my niece might…not have…”
“Your niece is okay. She’s being taken care of. And as far as what you don’t have here in Tabiq, that will come. It doesn’t happen overnight.”
“But longer it takes the more people we might lose because of lack of proper medical care,” I sniffed. And I feel like it is my fault for not being able to fix it all faster.
“The right doctors will eventually see what a beautiful place Tabiq is, and they will come. Trust me,” he said.
I wanted to, but I still wasn’t sure if I had found the chief of staff for the hospital. That was the key for everything else to line up. The wrong person in that position might just scare away the medical staff we already had.
Finn had everything the hospital needed. Besides his medical expertise, he had the heart and drive and seemed to also possess the understanding of what Tabiq’s needs were.
I wish you’d tell me you’re staying. I wish you’d take the job. I wish you were falling in love with me like I am with you.
Wishing had never worked in my favor and I really needed to stop. Usually the opposite happened.
“Finn, I hate to do this, but you need to go. The sun is going to be up soon and…”
“I know. I have some things I need to take care of before I pack,” he said.
“Pack? You’re leaving Tabiq now?” I asked. “You still have two more days before you need to return back to work.”
He stroked my cheek and said, “Do you really think I’d let you fly off to the U.S. without me?” My eyes widened, not sure what to say. “Besides, you promised me we’d spend the next two days together and I’m holding you to it.”
He wasn’t promising me forever, just what we’d agreed upon, two more days. But even this was more than I ever expected. Once again, Finn showed me what kind of man he was. Even if this was all I had with him, I’d never forget him. He will always hold a special place in my heart.
I should tell him I didn’t need him to come. That I was very capable of doing this alone. Or maybe that this was a family thing and he wasn’t family. I could come up with a bunch of reasons why he shouldn’t, but none could top the one reason he should.
I want him with me.
I smiled, nodded and asked, “Do you think you can make the flight arrangements with Logan while you return his car?”
He relaxed once he realized I wasn’t about to fight him. But I wasn’t giving him his way, I was giving myself my way.
I’m putting my needs first. And I need Finn.